Wednesday, February 21, 2024

A Plague Among Us

 A Plague of Cicadas. that is. This year, trillions of Cicadas will emerge across the eastern U.S.  This will be a rare double mega-breed! How would you like trillions of these red eyes staring at you?

I think this one has wings that look like abalone shell.

Some people think they are a kind of locust or grasshopper, but they aren't. They are considered "true insects".

There are 190 varieties of Cicada here in the U.S.A. And 3,400 varieties around the world. and the buzz they make is about the same decibels as a chain saw! But don't worry, they are completely harmless to people. Of course, all my photos are from the web.

Here is a map that shows their emergence facts.

Nothing in the cry of cicadas suggests they are about to die

Matsuo Basho


“In past summers when I had been home, I had often tasted a strange sadness as I sat quietly in the midst of the seething cicada song. This sorrow seemed to pierce deep into my heart along with the piercing insect cry. Always at such times I would sit alone and still, gazing into myself. “

— Soseki Natsume


CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sorry! 😟

Ann said...

According to that map it looks like we won't have them here.

roentare said...

I did not know cicadas can be a plague too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have lived through 2 plagues of these 'chain saws' and since i have uber ears the sound made me crazy. we get a few each year here, but have not had the plague hit. looks like we are safe on the map

Shug said...

I had read where this year there would be an infestation of these cicadas. Aside from their sound, these little creatures are scary to me. during the summer, we occasionally have them fly into the pool and of course, they do not survive. Cicada are a favorite food of copperhead snakes and for this very reason, I do not like seeing them around our area. thanks Ginny for the info.

Red Rose Alley said...

When Nel lived in Georgia, she heard the Cicadas all the time in her back yard. Thankfully, your map shows they don't reside in California. At least, I've never heard or seen them here. They do look strange looking.

Have a good rest of the week, Ginny.


Mari said...

We don't get them in Michigan so I've not heard their loud song!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I’ve only heard them when I’ve gone down south to visit family. Too much of anything is creepy. Once we had an infestation of lady bugs. As cute as they are, when they’re in your motorhome drawers, crawling on the walls it gives you the willies.

Jeanette said...

We hear an occasional one here in the late summer and that can be pretty loud so I can't imagine hundreds of them going at one time!

photowannabe said...

Wow, I have heard them on occasion when we were visiting on the East Coast. The sound can be so shrill and loud.
Glad we don't have them in CA. A plague of any kind isn't good. they do look rather alien to me.

Carla from The River said...

Oh my... I did not know there were so many!!

Chatty Crone said...

I was up in Ohio once and the sound is deafening!
I had read where this year there would be an infestation of these cicadas - we are in north Georgia and it looks like we may get hit here.

HappyK said...

I didn't realize they were coming again this year. They can get quite LOUD. Glad they aren't any bigger than they are - so creepy looking.

Sandi said...

Do they just grow underground?
I mean, what do they do?

My son just asked me these questions. I have no idea! 😃

LC said...

A to the cicada map, coastal Mississippi does not experience a huge influx. But I have experienced them in other locations. Intriguing post! LC

Linda said...

I always listen for the first cicada and have a running contest between me and Summer and a friend. The first one I hear means SUMMER weather has arrived! By July I am rather weary with that insistent sound and one year back in the early 80's there were so many you had to get up in the middle of the night to hear 'quiet.'

DeniseinVA said...

Having a fascination with insects I enjoyed this post. Thanks Ginny!

Jenny the Pirate said...

It's funny because I truly despise bugs, but I love cicadas. I love their song and even though they are ugly, they don't scare me. And even though there is no color dot on that map depicting cicadas coming out in the geographic center of South Carolina where I live, trust me: we have MILLIONS of cicadas every year! They chorus so loudly from the White Oak in our front yard, that sometimes you can hardly hear yourself think. I love it because it means SUMMER!!!! xoxo


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