Sunday, February 11, 2024


 This weekend our granddaughter, Dara, joined an open doubles tennis tournament. Open means that any ages can enter and play opposite each other. Here is Dara and her partner.

Dara & her partner are around 13.

Here is the team they played.

Women in their thirties or forties! With very determined expressions.

On the other hand, poor Dara!

Well, she almost won. But she did win her other match, and got a snowman trophy. But gosh, seems like they should pair up those in the same age bracket. Thoughts?


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I agree. That’s crazy.

Mari said...

Yes, that sure doesn't seem right. Good for Dara for sticking it out!

CheerfulMonk said...

That seems strange, but maybe there are other tournaments that are more appropriate? I love that quote!

Ann said...

I agree. There should be age brackets. It doesn't seem quite right to match 13 year olds with 30-40 year olds.

Jeanette said...

I think if I was an older woman tennis player I would not want to compete with young girls.

Billie Jo said...

Those women should know better. My goodness!

Red Rose Alley said...

aahh, that's too bad that Dara and her partner didn't win, but I'm glad they won the other match and got a trophy. I have a friend who plays tennis, and Yes, it can be a bit competitive.

Have a great week, Ginny.


photowannabe said...

Perhaps it is continuing to build character for Dara and her partner. Not fun though for sure.
I'm glad she won one match and got a trophy.

HappyK said...

Seems it would be better to team up same ages or same experience of playing the game. Perhaps they thought youth would beat the older women. :)

Chatty Crone said...

I think they should be matched better somehow. I am pr oud of her for even trying!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I agree they should have age categories so they are better matched, but it sounds as though Dara and her friend did pretty well anyway.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Good heavens! That's just all wrong but then, nothing much seems to be going right for females in sports these days. But good for Dara, getting out there and working hard. That's what it's all about. xoxo


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