Thursday, February 8, 2024

Dawn Of The Dead

 First, I will be taking this Friday off from blogging, because we will be gone all day. Have you ever heard the term "Death by" whatever in the name of a food item? Like Death By Chocolate? Naming food items with terms of death seems to be a real thing now. I see it in the grocery stores quite a bit. Here is some coffee I saw. Death Wish! That makes me want to AVOID it!

Now here is some sparkling water from the Alps I also found in the grocery store.

Liquid Death! WHY would anyone want to buy it? Thoughts? Have you ever bought any Death food? And don't forget Death By Chocolate!

“To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.”

J.K. Rowling

"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is Lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you."

Philippeans 4


Linda said...

Yeah....not a fan!

CheerfulMonk said...

I think Death by Chocolate is funny, even though I'm not a chocolate fan. I'm not attracted by the other stuff. It would be interesting to see who is.

Chatty Crone said...

AMEN AND AMEN! Sure not for me and I don't like playing with those words.

Ann said...

I think I've bought death by chocolate ice cream a few times.
Don't think I would buy either of these items. Can't see what the appeal is of the word death being used. Seems to me they could come up with a better marketing tactic. I'm guessing this is geared towards the younger crowd.

Esmeralda said...

This new fashion of naming everything with the word death seems a little macabre, if I may say so. Death Wish Coffee is just a little bit too much for my taste.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have never bought anything that said death by in the name, and have never seen any thing by that name except on a menu that said death by chocolate. now i am wondering what i miss by shopping on high speed, list in hand direct hit on what i am after without looking at anything else. i don't go down the drink aisle, and on coffee i grab the Dark roast and don't even see the others.

Mari said...

I'm not to into food with death in the name, although Death by Chocolate is good. :)
Hope you have a great day!

Shug said...

I'VE ONLY HEARD OF DEATH BY CHOCOLTATE. Not sure as to who the "Death" concept attracts. Probably not something I would purchase myself. Enjoy your wonderful Friday

DawnTreader said...

I can't see the appeal in marketing any food/drink stuff that way. As for chocolate, I don't really buy any nowadays. But I do use cocoa powder for baking my own muffins (cupcakes) sometimes. (Cutting down on sugar as well, and adding berries instead, and oatmeal.)

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

NO to what you wrote weird drinks and chocolate! God is the best King to see when we go to heaven.

DeniseinVA said...

Ugh! I won't be buying that any time soon.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I've only heard of death by chocolate, which always sounded cute, but I've never seen or heard of any of those other ones, and they do not appeal to me at all.

Jenny the Pirate said...

I saw that Liquid Death some time ago and thought it was one of the more bizarre things I've seen in a while. I guess they think that's cute but I disagree. I have also seen the Death Wish coffee but I don't plan to buy any, even though I love my coffee strong! My daughter-in-law gave me a mug with a skull on it and the legend "Strong Enough to Wake the Dead" hahaha! xoxo


 Sitting in front of the grocery store, I marveled at how beautiful the marbled effect of their sign was. Isn't it pretty? But wait! The...