Tuesday, February 6, 2024

A Wreck Over Coffee

 A few months ago, and ambulance ran over our city's little coffee stand. In fact, this coffee place was rated as the best coffee in the city, even though we have a Starbucks!

It was surrounded by crime tape, and remained there for quite awhile until machines came to scoop it up and carry it away. It has been several months, but the location still remains empty. It was in the parking lot of Ace Hardware.


roentare said...

These ambulance officers probably have shares in Starbuck

Mari said...

That's very sad! I hope it comes back!

CheerfulMonk said...

That's too bad! I hope they can come back.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

That is so sad. Hope no one was in it at the time and got hurt.

Ann said...

Well isn't that sad. Too bad they didn't rebuild it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

maybe letting it be in the parking lot was grandfathered in and now they can't put it back, OR maybe they have no money to get another one. if it has been there for years, just think how cheap it was back then and what one would cost now.. agree with all, it is sad that they lost it and the city lost it and that they have someone driving an ambulance that ran over a buidling in a park lot.

Shug said...

Oh NO...I do hope that no one was injured In the little shop. It sure WAS a cute coffee shop. We do not have a Starbucks in our little town, but we do have some good coffee at our local shops.

Chatty Crone said...

How in the world did that happen and did they have someone in the ambulance?

photowannabe said...

Wow, that ambulance did quite a number on the coffee stand. So sad for that little business.
Love all your quotes.

HappyK said...

Oh my hope no one was hurt.
We have one of those little coffee places around here too. Always a line there.

Billie Jo said...

Wow. That was something! I hope it is replaced soon. That coffee must have been amazing!!!!!

Carla from The River said...

Oh goodness me!!! I hope they can reopen.

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm so sorry this happened to the little coffee shop. I hope no one was hurt. Something like this happened up here in the mountains. A big rig crashed into the side of Safeway, towards the deli section. It was an accident and so sad. I felt bad for all. I hope the owners of the coffee shop can start their business up again soon. Keep us updated.


DeniseinVA said...

What a shame! I hope no one was hurt and that they can get up and running again?

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh nooooo! I am assuming no one was inside and hurt when this happened! Poor Micah! We have a wee-tiny coffee stand nearby but I have never bought any coffee there. Erica did once, and she said it was awful, so I never will buy any there, hahahaha! I often say that the best cup of coffee in town is served in my kitchen! xoxo


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