Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Critter Wall

 Happened to pass this house only a couple blocks away. What a strange front porch wall!


Annie said...

Someone is very cheerful and tropical. I like it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like that fish, it is odd, maybe they collect metal sculptures? odd to see in VA, more like what we see here.

Ann said...

That is definitely different. I'm trying to decide if they like fishing or maybe something else. The odd collection is throwing me off.

Chris said...

I love your crita wall, very colourful and those sunsets on your other post are spectacular.

Mari said...

They really like tropical things!

George said...

Definitely different.

Chatty Crone said...

Different but love to see it - so interesting!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I like it when people just create ways in ways that make them happy. Some neighborhoods are stuffy and formal and while that has its charm, it can be boring.

photowannabe said...

Love the quote Ginny. Its so true.
Very unusual wall art. I do like the lure attracting the big Angel fish.
Maybe the person living there makes these things.
Maybe they knew you would take a photo for your Blog Post..HaHa

Shug said...

it is a cute fish. maybe they ran across a good sell on this kind of art. Not quite my style, but it takes all kind of styles to make the world an interesting place

Jeanette said...

It's interesting. My SIL has their back yard decorated in a topical theme.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

My first thought was that they love the beach, but then the bird and tiger(?) don't seem to fit that motif, haha.

CheerfulMonk said...

Good for them! I love the Merle Shain quote. 😊

Jenny the Pirate said...

My goodness! I think they would rather be at the beach, haha! xoxo

Yet Another Mystery

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