Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Tattoo

The other day, our granddaughter Anne Marie said to me "Want to see something cool?" "Sure" I said. Then she pulled up her top and showed me her new tattoo. At first I thought it was a temporary one. But no, it is real! I think it is pretty; it is her birth month flower. She wants to get more. We shall see...

I thought this pic was funny. Phil had to put his glasses on to get a better look, so she came right up close to show him!

“The difference between tattooed people and non-tattooed people is…tattooed people don’t care if you’re not tattooed.”



Haddock said...

I am sure it would have been painful while doing it.

Ann said...

It is pretty. While I appreciate the artistic part of tattoos, I don't understand the obsession everyone seems to have with them. My daughter in law has way too many and she keeps getting more.

Mari said...

It's a pretty one. I'm not into them. I've seen how they look as people age and it's not pretty. Young people really seem to like them though!

Shug said...

your quote is true....I think! Many people who have tattoos do so because the tattoo has meaning. I am not a huge fan of all the skeleton style tattoos, but I have seen some pieces of art (tattoos) that has a lot of meaning for the individual. We have a grand daughter in law, who has a tattoo of the line "I love you" which was copied from the last card her grandmother sent her before she died. This has a lot of meaning to Emily. Your granddaughter is a beautiful young lady.

photowannabe said...

That last quote is perfect..I have had to adjust my thinking on tattoos.
Since some family members have them and good friends.
I like where she has her tattoo.
Gotta love her and it. Glad she shared it with you.

HappyK said...

Not a tattoo fan. My son David has LOTS of them and so does Liz.

Chatty Crone said...

I don't have any tattoos. I don't mind if other people have them, but I don't see the value of them. lol I think it means something personal to them.

Nazgul William said...
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DawnTreader said...

It is a pretty image as such but I've never really "understood" tattoos myself...

Debby said...

Being the frugal person I am, I can't justify the money spent, and I don't like pain. To each his own. It is a pretty tat.

Red Rose Alley said...

Anne Marie's tattoo is pretty, Ginny. I love her Pink nails! My son was not quite 18 when he wanted a tattoo, so as his parents, we had to give consent. He got a Cross, the most beautiful tattoo of all. I am wondering what Phil thought about it. I can't really tell by his expresion.


Rose said...

I am not a fan of them....but don't hate them...but I don't understand wanting so many. But then most people could not understand why I have so much fabric. and still want more. LOL

CheerfulMonk said...

I love this post! The pictures and the quote. They warm my heart. ❤️

Great-Granny Grandma said...

It looks pretty on her.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Like many others, I will never have a tattoo and I don't understand why everyone has to eternally copy everyone else. Today at Costco I saw a young woman with what I consider a truly gruesome amount of ink all over her ams and ... well, I had to look away. It was disturbing. I don't know why or who is responsible for this trend but I am so tired of it. No one in our immediate family has any tattoos, and I can think of one or two who might in our extended family, but that's the extent of it. I hope Anne Marie never regrets her decision to get one, because she is so lovely that she most certainly does not need embellishment, hahaha! xoxo

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