Want to know why this is so different?
It's a garage door!
This is the latest Christmas decorating thing around here.
Are you ready for more fireworks? This is on the tallest building in Dubai, named the Verge Califa. They set out to break several world rec...
That's a great idea! I love your neighborhood.
Those are great! I really like that snowman!
LOVE the snowman, have not seen any of these here, I did see a door wrapped like a package. the front door, not garage. the snowman made me smile..
Neat! As I rarely see garage doors anywhere near where I live, this is a cool idea that is new to me.
I love these. What a great idea. If I had a garage I would want to do something like this
I've never seen anything like it over here!!
I have not seen any of those around here. Maybe next year, I’ll do this. Seems easy enough. I like the snowman face - ⛄️
I've seen those garage door decorations advertised, but haven't seen one in person. Think they look nice. All the ones I've seen advertised are for double garage doors, ours is a single. Wonder if they make them for single garage doors. You memes are perfect.
I want that for my garage door - do you know where they got it?
That garage looks so fantastic
I don't remember ever seeing a garage door decorated. Pretty cool.
so cute....I didn't even know they made garage Christmas covers.
Wow, look at all those decorated garage doors! You really have a community who goes all out for each holiday. My favorite is the snowman! So Cute. That last quote is delightful. I love a good garage sale.
Love those garage doors.
Wow! Cute but I don't have the energy for that, hahaha! xoxo
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