Thursday, January 30, 2025

Hot & Cold

 We parked next to this heating & air conditioning truck. I thought it was so much more artistic than the usual work truck. Plus funny. If we didn't have air conditioning, this would make me really want it.


Dwayne said...
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roentare said...

The cartoons are comical

Ann said...

What a clever advertisement. Great idea to put that on their truck.

Leslie's Garden said...

Great humorous advertisement. I would definitely hire them! Have a great weekend. Take care.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the heat one looks like me in our summers and during the 3 days without power. its a great graphic for their business...

Mari said...

I love it! That would get my attention!

Sandi said...

Oh, I like that. People can change!

I don't like air conditioning, but here in the South it is much appreciated.

Jenny the Pirate said...

If it gets any warmer here, I will have to turn on our air conditioning! But I'm sure it's temporary and we are enjoying it. Happy weekend and Happy February, Ginny! xoxo

CheerfulMonk said...

Yes! I would try them. And I love the inspirational quote and picture. Hurray for adaptability.

R's Rue said...

Yes people can change. Thank you.

Shug said...

Great advertising...I know this is a big eye catcher and it is the type of advertising that sticks in people's minds.. Funny!!

HappyK said...

It gets your attention, that's for sure. :)

Red Rose Alley said...

Yes, those are creative images on the heat and air truck. That last quote is so true, isn't it? Have a restful Sunday, Ginny. The Lord's Day is such a peaceful one.



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