Friday, February 28, 2025

March 1st

 Happy first day of March! Today is the first day of meteorological spring! As usual on the first of the month, I will show my calendar.

Today we saw our first and only sign of spring. These tiny Crocus coming up beside the river.


The Happy Whisk said...

Happy March! For the last few weeks each morning, birds were a chirp, chirp, chripin'. I love it!

roentare said...

Crocus looks wonderful. Your March can seem so full of hope

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am loving your March calendar picture, one of my favorites. love it . March here in the tropics means Sneeze! I sneezed so loud in the bedroom while making the bed, bob heard over the vac and came to see what I wanted. POLLEN hits us with a double whammy in March

Ann said...

That calendar page is so pretty. I love it. It may be meteorological spring but outside my window it looks like winter. We got snow over night.

Shug said...

Happy March Ginny...cute little crocus. I am happy to see March arrive. Your calendar page looks so cheerful...

Red Rose Alley said...

Your calendar for March is delightful. Looks like Spring. I also like my Mary Engelbreit's for this month too. This year is better than last. We don't have any signs of Spring here yet, only the sun shining lately. The quote is delightful. Happy first day of March, Ginny!


Mari said...

Look at all this cheerfulness here today. I love it!
It's very cold and windy here, no crocus yet, but they will be coming!
Happy March Ginny!

Chatty Crone said...

Love your spring calendar - bet you are ready for spring!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I like the “march is like a tomboy” I was a bit of a tomboy and I was born in March!

March 1st

 Happy first day of March! Today is the first day of meteorological spring! As usual on the first of the month, I will show my calendar. Tod...