Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hoop Dreams

How many of you have Hula Hooped? When I was a little kid, I was queen of the Hoop! I took to it naturally. I had one of the first hoops ever when they came out and were all the rage. Blue with a white stripe down the middle. I did it around my waist and arms. Even my neck. I still remember my mom "Stop that!! You'll choke yourself, you'll strangle yourself, you'll break your neck!!!" Of course I didn't listen, because when you are nine years old, you know that nothing bad will ever happen to you like it sometimes does to others. YOU are careful, YOU know what you are doing. Don't worry!! Anyway, in my search to find a fun exercise lately, here's what I thought. Hula Hoop! I could do it even better now that I had womanly hips to help hold it up! Off to the store I went, grabbed a hoop, and gave it a spin. It sunk to the floor. Again and again and again! I've lost the wiggle in my jiggle!! Whatever "It" is, I don't have it anymore. It's gone with the skinny little girl that was me. I thought it would be like riding a bike. Once you learn, you never forget. Are my hips a hinderance? Has the fat caused me to flunk? My short lived hoop dreams are over. I hula hoop, roller skate, and ride bikes only in my memories now, for, like the book says, it's a whole world now Gone With The Wind.

Do not say "Why were the old days better than these?" For it is not wise to ask such questions. Ecc. 7:10


Kilauea Poetry said...

I think you probably have to work back up to it slowly?? I loved those hula hoops! There were so many different things that were the rage. Anyway, don't give up..though I feel like it most of the time! Well I'm suppose to be making dinner.. but here I am! Have a good evening..

Glenda said...

This post and those colorful hula hoops made me smile!! I bought hula hoops for a church group and my grands - and I have totally lost the "know-how,"too! Like you, I could really use a hula hoop growing up! Fun memories!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Being MUCH older than you, Ginny, the Hula Hoops didn't come out when I was a little girl.... SO--I missed out on that. Darn!!!!!

But I too cannot do the things I used to do... I try hard to stay in good shape --but those old aches and pains happen!!!!! Darn-----can I say this: "It's H*ll to get OLD"......

Cute post.... Wish I could have seen you as the Hula Hoop Queen....

DawnTreader said...

You make me smile, Ginny!
I did not know you called them hula hoops. Somewhere at the back of my mind I get a vague reminder that I was looking for the word not all that long ago but didn't find it in the dictionary. Now I can't remember in what context I wanted to use it...! /sigh/
Anyway, in Swedish we don't call it hula hoop but 'rockring'. (As in rock'n'roll-ring, I suppose.) I did have one when I was a little girl, too. But I was never very good at it. So it would not even have entered my head to try now ;)
Your quote from Ecclesiastes is very apt...

Together We Save said...

I too could hoop it up... long ago... I have not tried in awhile, woonder if I have lost it?

SquirrelQueen said...

You brought back some memories with this post Ginny. I had a Hula Hoop as did all of my friends, we were good. I don't think I could keep one up these days, oh well.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

tried when i was little,
tried when i was old,
i just can't do anything that
requires me to roll. or spin. or twist. or bend and stoop.
love you Ginny, thanks for the smile i got on my face from seeing you through the hoop

George said...

How interesting that you did a post on hula hoops. The last time we were in Hendersonville helping my parents I saw three young girls coming out of a store with hula hoops. That was the first I had seen any in a long time.

Anonymous said...

What a darling post Ginny! You have me smiling here.

The Blue Light District

 A guessing game! Do you have any idea what and where this is? It is hard. So here is a little clue. The answer in my next post!