Monday, April 26, 2010

Mystery Wildflowers

Today I am enlisting the help of my blogging friends to identify these flowers. I have many plant and wildflower identification guides, and these are not in them. This may be because they will be considered weeds, since they grow unbidden in everyone's yards around here. But what others call weeds, I call wildflowers. The pictures are of two different wildflowers. The first three pictures are the same plant, so very tiny that I took a picture so you can get a perspective with the dandelions. So tiny that you can't really see one until there are a whole group. Very daintily growing all over the grass. The last two pictures are a different flower, a bit bigger than the other. As you can see, they even grow in the gravelly driveway and seem to send out some kind of shoots. By the way, though you can't tell by the pictures, they are the same bright blue as the first one. We have had these for many years, but now that I am among some knowledgeable bloggers, I finally have hopes of finding out what they are. Hope you stop and SMELL the flowers today, as well.

"Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into." Henry Beecher


From the Kitchen said...

I wish I could help with the identifying of those beautiful plants but am not familiar. The leaf on the second one looks a little like a geranium leaf but I don't recognize the bloom. How nice to have "volunteers" in the garden. Our "volunteers" this year were a small group of daffodils, quite a few grape hyacinths scattered on the front lawn, a newly emerging parsley plant and lillies of the valley. The lillies started appearing three years ago and are spreading. They are so sweet.


George said...

I'm sorry I can't help you identify these wildflowers. But I can tell you that they sure are pretty.

Dawning Inspiration said...

I have some where I live but I'm sorry, I don't know the name of them either! Do you have a nursery near by where you could take them? Someone there should be able to identify them!

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh, I love a good Mystery!

I think the first one with the pretty little blue flower is Persian Speedwell.

The second one is Ground Ivy, it is a creeper so it will spread. I have also heard it called Creeping Charlie. You would think something with such a pretty little flower would have a fancier name wouldn't you?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

doule wowey! on the header. beeee uuuu tiii fulll
i am glad someone knows those flowers. i don't even know the ones in my yard. i buy something and promptly forget what it is. i only know the well known, like roses and tulips. I love that header pic. all the flowers are really pretty.

Glenda said...

Ginny, we have the second flowers you pictured, but I've never known the name. I'm glad to read SquirrelQueen's answer. I, too, love the tiniest of flowers - or weeds as some call them. God creates them just as He does the showy, big blooms! Reminds me of God's children: some are widely recognized and in the limelight, while others of us are used by God in quieter, in-the-background ways! But we are all important, and He has no favorites!

Kilauea Poetry said...

These are delicate and pretty. Not sure. We have some very a ground cover? Your header is lovely btw!

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