Tuesday, April 20, 2010


"I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me." Proverbs 8:17

Today our family came over and we finally had our Easter Egg hunt and celebration with our granddaughter Anne Marie. Why so long after Easter? You may remember from my previous post that our daughter-in-law fell from the attic to the living room on Easter Sunday. She is still far from back to normal and has considerable pain, though she's back to work. Here you see little Anne smelling our lilac bush with Phil, going on the egg hunt, and getting her Easter basket. Every year, over 1 billion Easter eggs are hunted in this country. The first White House Easter Egg hunts were actually held at the Capitol building, but the kids tore up the lawn so much that the president signed a bill that forbid the use of the Capitol lawn for such things. In 1929, President Hoover's wife was so grossed out by the bad smell of the eggs that she tried to replace the egg hunt with folk dancing! Guess that didn't go over too well with the kids! There was an old belief that if eggs laid on Good Friday were preserved for over a century, their yolks would turn to diamonds. Whoever came up with this wacky theory must have had way too much Passover wine! I need to be constantly seeking, but not for eggs.

"...let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. " 1 Chron. 16:10


SquirrelQueen said...

I'm sorry to hear your daughter-in-law is still hurting from the fall, I hope she recovers soon.

Anne Marie looks like she is having a great time hunting those Easter eggs and exploring her Easter basket.

That is a pretty wacky belief with the goose eggs, I guess who ever came up with it figured no one would be around to find out if he was right or wrong.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I will keep your daughter in law in my prayers. Your little granddaughter is so cute in her pretty Easter egg hunting dress.

From the Kitchen said...

Anne Marie is beautiful! She looks like a happy child. Glad to hear that your daughter-in-law is improving after her accident.

Have a beautiful day!


Stephanie V said...

Isn't it nice that you could reschedule the Easter egg hunt? It's much nicer later in April when you can sniff the lilacs, too.
Hope your daughter-in-law continues to improve. Rough when you have to go back to work before you're totally better.

DawnTreader said...

Cute pictures, and interesting history facts. I think if we do the Easter Egg hunt here at all, we don't use real eggs but just let kids look for hidden candy eggs. Not sure how common that is either. I vaguely remember that my step-grandmother did arrange some kind of (indoors) hunt with a number of rhyming clues written on pieces of paper.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

first, she is SOOOO adorable. second, a BILLION eggs? are we wasteful or what. what a great idea to have the egg hunt now.
I thought your daughter-in-law was better, I will pray for her quick recovery. the castle Is UP

Kilauea Poetry said...

No I didn't know that but I'm sure a fall like that could really set you back! Wow..now I understand why you postponed this. Anne Marie is beautiful! Well maybe she didn't mind the delay too much?
I have vivid memories of those eggs!! Interesting- the White House at Easter time!
Well, hope your daughter-in-law heals up soon..please have a great afternoon, Regina

Kilauea Poetry said...

Forgot to say I enjoyed those photos..especially smelling the lilac!! and smiling so bright!!

Together We Save said...

Great pics!! Thanks for your kind words!!

Glenda said...

So you are still celebrating Easter! That's fun! Come to think of it, we should continually celebrate His resurrection, shouldn't we?

Hope your DIL continues to improve from her fall. Your little granddaughter is adorable!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, Glad you finally had an Easter Party for that precious granddaughter... Sorry your DIL is still having pain. Hope she gradually gets well.

That baby girl is just gorgeous!!!!

The Blue Light District

 A guessing game! Do you have any idea what and where this is? It is hard. So here is a little clue. The answer in my next post!