Thursday, September 16, 2010

Alphabet Soup

Carmi's new theme this week is letters/numbers, so I thought I'd give it a try. To check it out, you can go to Carmi's website HERE. One day little Ella came to me with pieces of her foam letter and number puzzle. But instead of trying to put it together, she had a bowl and spoon with her. She dumped the letters and numbers in the bowl and stirred. I couldn't figure out what she was doing. Then she told me to open wide, because she was feeding me alphabet soup!! Would you like to try a bite? I assure you, it was the best soup I have ever eaten, made with love by a four year old just for me! Here is what the Psalms have to say about numbers.

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12

I think what this is basically saying is that we need to realize how short our time is, and make good use of it, before it's too late. What important thing have you been wanting to do that you've been putting off?


Karin said...

Awww, that's so sweet! Grandangels make the best - soup and tea parties, don't they! Yes, may the Lord teach me to number my days. I don't even know how to answer your question about what important thing I've been wanting to do that I keep putting off. Let me think on that some more.

Had a devotional with our seniors about numbers - and how even the hairs on our head are numbered!

Unknown said...

Ella's alphabet soup looks yummy. How creative is she? Simply adorable.

I loved reading your comment about Sue's interview. She is a very wonderful person. I love her pictures. And I love yours as well.

srp said...

What do I put off... ironing, fixing my garden journal, cleaning the garage. Mostly the things I don't like to do.

Ella's soup looks delicious... almost as good as the she crab soup I had tonight!

Reanaclaire said...

Open your mouth, Ginny... "ngam".. lol.. sweet soup by a sweet girl...
yes, what have i been doing these days.. yes, i know i have been putting off some things.. one of them is to write about some christian articles on my christian blog and i keep postponing... sigh..

Anonymous said...

Ella is adorable and she is very creative with her alphabet soup!

Kilauea Poetry said...

She is just precious!! I loved those days- what a delicious offering! I remember my son (though a little younger)-trying to gather nipples to make a stew for his Grandma-we really chuckled over that one too- classic! What a blessing Ginny!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Aow... how sweet is that?
Alphabet soup used to be my brother's favorite soup. He'd ask for that - and I think I asked for chicken noodle... or tomato!

SquirrelQueen said...

There is nothing like a child's imagination, Ella's alphabet soup looks very tasty.

What have I been putting off doing? That's a tough one and I can't think of anything big. I do have a couple of stories I have been working on for the blog that always get pushed to the back burner.

From the Kitchen said...

Always love seeing what Ella is up to! So cute.

I think sometimes, many times maybe, I put off living life to the fullest by focusing on insignificant things and spending too much time and effort on them. Thanks for the reminder to focus more on what's important.


CorvusCorax12 said...

that is just so adorable

Neal said...

She sure is a cute little girl...brings a smile to my face just seeing her.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the most important thing i would like to do, is to learn how to stop being such a fraidy cat and get out and do what i want to do and forget the what iffer that drives me nuts and keeps me from going where i want to go. cluck cluck cluck. love the soup the numbers and of course pretty Ella Bella. my mind can think of nothing to do with numbers or letters for a post. I LOVE THE HEADER

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Do you remember the 'real' Alphabet soup???? When my sons were little, we'd get it. It was Campbell's I think. Don't know if they still make it or not...

Great post --using numbers... Ella is such a cutie.

Have a great weekend.

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a sweet post. I can imagine how good her "soup" must have been. She is a very creative little girl. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

Velvet Over Steel said...

Awe.... she is adorable! I can't wait for Grandangels of my own someday! So much to look forward to, huh?!! :-)

Cute post & loved the pictures!

Have a Great Friday and a Wonderful weekend!!

Stephanie V said...

That's pretty creative. I love it!

Remington said...

That was so sweet!

Fred Alton said...

When you come to the place in life that you begin to number your days - it's time to "check up before checking out"! That's a quote from a friend who was/is full of pithy sayings. That's the greatest when our children and grands share their love with us in creative ways like yours did.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Those foam pieces look familiar.Kai has spent lots of time playing with the ones we have.I don't recall ever having alphabet soup,but it would be delicious,and this kind has no calories.:)

Beverly said...

Of course, I love seeing Ella in your posts any time you put her there. And I'm glad you are doing Carmi's theme. I must get a post up there.

Did you know I'm going to California to spend a week with Sue from Photowannabe? Isn't that cool! It's my birthday present to myself. We've determined that we are related, maybe even twins separated at birth.

What Karen Sees said...

Great shots, and she is so adorable. Love the alphabet soup theme.

Anonymous said...

lol very scary eh lol your turn to post your top 10 lol

Kelly Loy Gilbert said...

Oh my goodness!!! Sooooooooooo cute.
I see one of my grandmothers several time a week and am very conscientious about making time to go get lunch with her and help her run errands etc (she doesn't drive anymore), but the other one I see less, and I need to do that more. I keep putting off calling her--not even intentionally, I just don't get around to it. But I will. She's so precious to me.

Have you read What's So Amazing About Grace? It's SO good. I think it's my favorite Christian book, and even one of my favorite books period. I chose it for Uncle B because his worldview is so totally devoid of grace in so many ways, and because I know he's dealing with end-of-life issues and questions and I think he's very sad somewhere underneath all that anger. I felt like the book could challenge some of the patterns he's gotten himself into, and maybe give him a glimpse of God that isn't tied up in, like, the Crusades or anti-science (which are his two views of who God is, which saddens me that he'd reject God based on what I feel are two totally false premises!). If we see him again I'd love to at least have that door open maybe to talk about faith in a more genuine, two-way means than happened last time. But I don't know if it's possible, with him. But I figured with a book, if he's reading it, he doesn't get to interject so he'd at least have to listen somewhat to what the book was saying ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, A nicely written post today! Have an enjoyable and humorous weekend!

Deborah said...

That is a great post! That was funny, maybe I should use this bag as a diaper bag!! Tehe!

Anonymous said...

What important thing have you been wanting to do that you've been putting off?

Get a job! No, that can't be it? I'll have to think this?? :-)

George said...

How cute! I'm glad you enjoyed Ella's alphabet soup. I wouldn't mind having some myself.

Annie Jeffries said...

There is nothing like a soup full of LOVE. I like your sofa in the background. It looks very comfy. What have I been putting off - oh - finishing my kitchen. This on-going project is still will me six years later. Perhaps next month. Or at least another step taken. LOL

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I have the same foam number puzzle, Ginny! I bought it, and a similar alphabet puzzle for my grandson to play with when he's a little older. I would enjoy his alphabet soup if he made it for me :)

I do try to make the most of my days but I have been putting off going for an eye exam. I shall call for an appointment Monday!Thanks.

Glenda said...

What a smart, creative little girl!

To answer your ending question . . . I need to visit the elderly in our community more often. I plan to do that.

Great post!

ruthi said...

so adorable. i really enjoy watching kids play and pretend. they are full of colorful ideas and wild imagination.

janie said...

it's a wonderful world, i bet Ella keeps your imagination on it's toes:)

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh I remember making alphabet soup with my kids. Thanks for the memory! Sandie

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