Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Care For A Taste?

I was excited to come across these flowers a few weeks ago. They are called Cockscomb, because they look like the comb of a rooster. Alternative names are Brain Celosia, because it resembles a brightly colored brain, and Woolflower. They grow like a weed and require almost no care. They are furry like chenille fabric, and believe it or not, people eat them. The leaves and flowers are often eaten as a vegetable in India, West Africa, South America, and China. It is eaten quite a bit in Nigeria as their main leafy vegetable, where it's name is Soko Yokoto, meaning "make husband fat and happy". I do not think Phil would be happy if I served him this as a side dish. And I don't think I could choke down those furry flowers, even smothered in ranch dressing. Here's something that Psalm 119;103 says tastes very good.

"How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path."


Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I will choose to enjoy the beauty of these flowers and feed instead on God's word and some' normal' food. :)

pam said...

I have always loved those flowers. I can't imagine eating them.

Karin said...

I quite enjoy the various colors but they don't look like something I would eat.The leaves look like they would taste a bit like spinach, lol!

Glenda said...

I'm not familiar with these pretty flowers. And I'm sure I would have to be really hungry to eat them!

ruthinian said...

we have those in the Philippines too but didn't know that they are edible. like you i won't be able to eat that too even if i steamed them or stir-fried or mixed with meat.

i prefer them in my center table though.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, I'll enjoy them as flowers and NOT as food... ha... They are so pretty --and your pictures, including the header, are fabulous!!!!


Annie Jeffries said...

They just look too pretty to eat Ginny, but, I'll take your word for it. And, I always enjoy the scripture reference you attach to your posts. They are always so fitting. Hugs, Annie

srp said...

Yes, I was thinking these look like colorful brains... but I wouldn't eat them.... or real brains either. Lovely.

Unknown said...

Wow, they are gorgeous! They are much too gorgeous to eat. And... I think they might tickle and I would laugh and cough and choke. Safety hazard. LOL! Ok, really, I'm not putting anything that brightly coloured in my mouth unless it's candy! LOL!

Anonymous said...

These flowers were a favorite of my Mother. I'll never forget one summer just as they were about to bloom, my brother cut them down thinking they were a weed!!!!!!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Well, they do resemble a colorful brain..and chenille fabric.. there is actually supposed to be a connection with the plant kingdom (their shapes and that)- in regard to the beneficial aspect! Maybe it would improve my memory? (lol)..lovely series and I enjoyed the background with Psalms!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am with you on not being able to choke down the furry flower. i prefer to look a flowers not eat them. they are really pretty and not appetizing at all. except as eye candy. lots of interesting info. we are all learning so much we did not know by blogging. bring on the triva games.

Jane said...

Yes, they do look like colorful brains! I love looking at them, but I believe I will stick to food I have here in the downtown condo!


Stephanie V said...

Very pretty. I've not seen this variety of celosia before. Can't imagine eating them, though. Maybe just the leaves? And as long as the 'fat and happy' part doesn't happen to women, too.

Smita Srivastava said...

The flowers look terrific !!! I have seen them here often but didnt know that these are edible too !!

- Smita
( fun food ideas for picky eaters )

DawnTreader said...

Wow, they really look soft and furry. I'd want to touch them, but it would not have entered my head to try and eat them!!! I don't think I've ever seen them IRL.

Anonymous said...

Your pictures of Celosias or Cockscombs are very pretty today. I used to have this flower when I lived in Northern CA many years ago. They are really vibrant! Have a special day today!

Together We Save said...

I have never seen these before... I love them! To look at, not sure about eating!

Mary Bergfeld said...

I haven't seen these flowers in years. Your photos of them are terrific. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

Nikki (Sarah) said...

these flowers look so good and fuzzy and they really fit their name. Better to look at them I think than to imagine eating them. ☺

Anonymous said...

They do look good enough to eat :-)
I might give them a try...maybe?

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Fantastic color and interesting facts.

Darryl and Ruth : )

Harry/Sally said...

I am always so impressed by how apt and smart your biblical references are.

As an adolescent, I(briefly) belonged to an evangelical church where in youth group we played a game called "sword play" in which we had to identify Bible verses faster than the rest of the class) (I got really good at it, though I left the e church for other spiritual homes)

I think your blog heading "How I see God in everyday life" is brilliantly served by how you do it. My compliments!

I am not a self-styled Christian, but I honor your intelligent, humorous (sp?) and kindly approach.

I hope we keep reading each other's blogs.

Two of Us a k a Marnilla

George said...

I don't think I ate any of these when I was in China. Actually, I think they are too pretty to eat.
Thanks for all the information.

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful, I remember Cockscomb from my grandmother's garden. It's been awhile since I've seen them but I would like to have them in my garden.

I might try eating them if they were prepared by someone who knew how to do so. Maybe I will stick with enjoying them as a flower.

SquirrelQueen said...

I almost forgot to tell you I love your new header photo.

Fred Alton said...

I was in Nigeria a few times but was never offered a vegetable that pretty. However, they did teach us to eat cooked pumpkin leaves! Quite good, really. When some things were offered to me I thought of "I have esteemed thy word more than my necessary food." ☺

betty-NZ said...

Lovely flowers! I remember them from years ago in my granny's garden.

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