Friday, October 29, 2010

A Ghost Story

This evening we were on our way to dinner with friends, and we were delayed. Traffic was backed up and there were several policemen directing. Downtown was having their yearly trick-or-treat festival, and I had forgotten. This is where the stores stay open late and the kids can dress up in their costumes and go from store to store getting treats. The store windows have special decorations, there are smoke pots and scary music is played. It is a safe way to celebrate rather than going from house to house. I am not really into Halloween, but I must say I found the delay interesting as I looked at all the costumes and snapped away. There were many ghosts tonight, which makes me think of the one who did come back from the dead. But I wouldn't call him a ghost.

"Jesus himself stood among them and said to them "Peace be with you." They were startled and frightened, thinkng they saw a ghost. He said to them "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have. Luke 24


S. Etole said...

Interesting observation on your part ... He is risen indeed.

Arti said...

Thats very interesting... Good you had the camera with you!! The kids look happy, thats what matters most!!
Have a lovely weekend:)

SquirrelQueen said...

Our city did the same thing this afternoon, Main street was blocked off so the kids could trick-or-treat at the stores. You got some great shots, the little one in the dinosaur costume is adorable.

I like to hand out candy to the kids in our neighborhood, almost all are accompanied by their parents. It is sort of a neighborhood party.

Rachel Cotterill said...

I like the idea of having a central location where all the kids can go, rather than between houses. Safer, as you say - and also saves everyone having to stock up on sweets just in case.

Anonymous said...

The children look like they are having fun and it is so much safer to trick or treat in that environment. You captured some great moments!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the costumes and kids are so adorable and you were in the right place at the right time with camera in hand. great post.
Now I am wondering what hebrew word was for ghost. as a child in our church He was called the Holy Ghost, then they changed to Holy Spirit, now I am wondering what the jews called it. anyone know?

Rose said...

great photos. it's hard not to take great photos of children. rose

Jane said...

What great photos! Sounds like you had a nice delay, at least!


Anonymous said...

What delightful pictures, Ginny! I'm glad traffic was backed up and you were able to take these wonderful photos! The costumes are amazing!!

Remington said...

Great pics! It is a fun time for the children....

Our Journey said...

Oh --- did you see Anne Marie & Naomi????? I see you saw Mattie (Thing 6). My mom took the girls downtown. They said it was very busy (and cold) and had a lot of fun! We'll see you Sunday.

Jeanne said...

Cute kids and a good way to keep them safe hopefully. Our church has trunk or treat each year with lots of good food and fun games.

Karin said...

No need to fear man-made ghosts when the Holy Ghost is our teacher and comforter! --- Even the grown-ups love to dress-up it seems, lol! Hope you weren't too late for your dinner with friends and you had a lovely evening. Great photos!

DawnTreader said...

We don't quite have your traditions of going trick-or-treating at Halloween (although some kids have picked it up in later years from TV). On the whole I find the idea of a festival a better alternative. Among your photos my favourite is the little dragon... soo cute...

Fred Alton said...

I'm with you on the "safer way to celebrate". You took some great photos of this event. I don't know why, but it seems that halloween was a bigger affair when I was a child. Around here, there does not seem to be that much interest anymore.

Stephanie V said...

A great idea to keep the kids safe.

Here Hallowe'en seems to be more for adults than it does for kids. We have no trick or treaters at our door - ever. The kids go the various events at the malls and most of the grown-ups dress up and have parties all weekend.

Kerrie said...

Loved the little guy in the dinosaur suit(?) or dragon? LOL! great pics! Thanks for your visit and comments. I am not familiar with, "If I flee on Morning Wings".. But I am sure I would love it and Softly and Tenderly was one of my Mom's faves. How wonderful to have your hubby's playing to listen to, I would love that!!!

Leovi said...

Terroríficas y simpáticas fotos, un buen reportaje. Saludos

srp said...

I wish the city here would have at least held the trick or treating tonight rather than Sunday. I have candy ready but no pumpkins and no decorations and will not have too many... hopefully.

Dawning Inspiration said...

I can't wait for this "holiday" to be over with - but I do enjoy the costumes... love "Thing 1 and thing 2!" ;o)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...


Thank you, I needed someone to talk to today. I addition this to my post on Dark.

Addition: Ginny says that this is like a hospital corridor. Ginny has been a close blogging friend. She seems to be able to read my mind despite the fact that Ginny is thousands of miles away in USA.

It seems I had unconsciously posted that shopping mall which had etched in my mind. September 29th, twenty one years ago, my son Andrew was born, and we were told he was dying. I chose to be with him when he died. The hospital kindly gave me a room in the parents' floor of another block which was the nurses' block. This was for parents whose babies were in ICU.

The block was quite a distance from the baby's ICU, and was connected by underground tunnels. If you miss a turn, you could end up in another block. When I walked past what the nurses call the groaning dragon, the boiler, I wanted to walk quickly. Everyday, for 55 days, I walked this tunnel twice. It was not a walk I wish for anyone.

Ginny, I had not shared this with anyone, not even my husband. On November 22nd, I walked that last walk. I left the hospital's main entrance with empty arms.

Beverly said...

I love the photos. Ella was looking at them when I opened the post, and she was not too impressed with the first one or the skeleton!

ruthinian said...

so cute. i love the little guy in alligator suit. they had the halloween stroll at the school i work i was just too tired to take photos. now i regretted it.

George said...

I think this is a wonderful way to have a safe Halloween. I really like the photos you captured. I also like your conclusion to this post.

Kilauea Poetry said...

In our city, there are probably more grown ups acting like kids..any excuse for a party (lol)..still-these are cute!! I bet they have fun! Our neighborhood is so remote nobody ever comes to our door?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how cute... I love seeing all of the cute little costumes. That dinosaur is amazing!!!! Precious!!!!

Thanks for sharing...

Chatty Crone said...

I think that is wondeful the way they keep the stores open for the kids.


Annie Jeffries said...

That is one cool little stegosaurus.

Glenda said...

The little ones in overalls are my favorites!!

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