Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pour Down Like Silver

Too many people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold.
Maurice Setter

The name of today's post is taken from the title of a Richard Thompson album. A few days ago we were driving along, and Phil pointed and said "Look, silver maples". I had never heard of silver maples, and asked him to turn around so we could get up close and look. I was amazed and transfixed. These trees were actually silver, and the leaves were twirling, twinkling, and sparkling like silver in the wind. And though I have been looking, I have not seen any others, so perhaps this was a mirage, a fleeting vision...it remains a beautiful and startling memory to me...the trees, the sun making it all look like refined silver dancing in the wind, the brilliant blue of the sky. The memory is like a dream. But the pictures are very real. Some things are beyond understanding.

"Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold." Proverbs 3:13,14


SquirrelQueen said...

What a wonderful sight, it is not a mirage. I haven't seen Silver Maples in years but I do remember them from when I lived in the south. Your photos are beautiful Ginny, thanks sharing your sighting of this beautiful tree.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Gorgeous..and you have it here!! I know just what you mean- some things are like that. These are beautiful trees and I think the lighting makes a difference- in that it just accentuates or highlighted this memorable fleeting vision..

Anonymous said...

John and I had a huge Silver Maple in the yard of our first home. It was beautiful to see the leaves twirling down in the fall. Wishing you a good day and keeping you in my heart and prayers.

DawnTreader said...

I've never heard of (or seen) silver maples before. How very odd. Thanks for sharing.

Jane said...

These are beautiful trees. I have never seen a Silver Maple - thanks for sharing.


Melanie said...

So beautiful! Thank you for taking the pictures so we can all see them!

From the Kitchen said...

My mother used to point out silver maples and they were few and far between. They were startling in the landscape as I recall. I haven't seen any around here.


Ruth's Photo Blog said...

What a beautiful contrast to the greens and blue sky.

srp said...

We have quite a few here at the coast. I've heard that when a storm is coming, the trees show the undersides of their leaves and with the silver maples.. this is the MOST silver of all. Gorgeous.

My word verification is "entice". How fitting for this post... as silver and gold have enticed many a person to do that which is evil and corrupt.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

silver maples are new to me, not only not seen them but never heard of them. they are like God's most spectacular Christmas tree. awesome and awe inspiring. God's creation continues each day to blow me away with its wonders. great grab for us in blog land. I am feeling a lot better, back and neck much better and mouth also

Doris Sturm said...

OH, how beautiful!!! I also never heard nor seen Silver Maples, I would have remembered because I'm always looking up into trees - I LOVE trees and thank God every day for them.

I wish I could have got out of the car with you and stayed a while loaking up that lovely view. Thank you so much, dear Ginny, for sharing this with us. I will always remember.

Have a blessed day and thanks for being such a sweet and faithful visitor to my blog. I will try to do better :-)

Love you,
Doris and Gizzy

Glenda said...

Such beautiful photos . . . the silver trees, your header, and he sun in a previous post!

pam said...

A Silver Maple is the first tree we planted here 9 years ago...I didn't know much about them but they are a beautiful tree even though they don't turn red/orange/yellows like most maples.

RYC: I am a BIG stickler for literal translations of the Bible...but I have discovered such a fresh reading using The Message....while I read it I usually end up back in my NASB to see what it says...but it has stirred so much pondering on His Word within me.

George said...

These are beautiful pictures of the silver maples. Please thank Phil for turning around so you could get these great pictures.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow Ginny.... Glad you got some great pictures of the Silver Maples... They are truly incredible. I'm not sure I have ever seen a Silver Maple. Wonder if we have them here --and I've just ignored them?????? Hmmmm---I'll have to start looking...

Thanks for a great post.

Neal said...

Wow...that is beautiful.

Remington said...

Beth here.... Beautiful pictures! You had asked what Mike does at the hospital. He is the COO (Chief Operating Officer). Certainly keeps him busy. He is very pleased with the new service line! It is so good for the communities in the area!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful write ... I have not seen a silver male before, just gorgeous.

Have a great eve ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Stephanie V said...

Lovely trees. My preference is for silver over gold - every time!

Karin said...

This is a first for me! I have never had the privilege of seeing a Silver Maple! Love this post!!

Chatty Crone said...

Well, at first I thought your blog was on fall - but they are silver maples - I'm not sure if I have seen one of not - now I have.

You take GREAT pictures.

It is always good to keep our eyes and ears open to learn new things.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Those Silver Maples are wonderful! Great pictures! Have a good Thursday tomorrow!

Dawning Inspiration said...

gorgeous trees!!!!!

Jeanne said...

Beautiful! What an unusual tree. I think this must be what we saw in a couple of places on our vacation. We didn't stop but snapped a quick picture out the window. They were definitely silver leafed. Thanks for taking the time to stop and to share your picture.

Annie Jeffries said...

How extraordinary, Ginny. I'm so glad your hubs turned around so you could capture this gorgeous display. How different from the normal expectation of autumn. It's a bit like winter in the midst of an Indian Summer.

S. Etole said...

I've never seen such a sight ... so glad you have shared them with us.

Joyful said...

That's so cool. I've never seen a Silver Maple either and you have taken such beautiful photos of their leaves.

Unknown said...

These are so cool Ginny! Great trees and fantastic photos! :o)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

So beautiful, Ginny! I've never seen silver maples in my life. What a glorious sight they are!

I also enjoyed the next post..especially since we were recently "lost" in a corn field maze :)

ruthi said...

"too many people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold"... I love that quote. Isn't it true, both literally and figuratively? I am guilty beyond reasonable doubts!

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