Friday, October 8, 2010

The Three Little Pigs

We happened to drive past a small pig farm the other day, and these three charming creatures came running up to the fence to greet us! They were full of inquisitive grunts, and I noticed all the dirt caked on their ears and bodies. It was a hot day and they had probably been wallowing in the mud. It made me think of a newspaper article I just read. Scientists fed lab mice sandwiches. Half of the sandwiches had dirt in them and the other half did not. The mice that ate the dirt navigated through mazes twice as fast and showed less anxiety. And even weeks later, the dirt-fed mice could remember what they had learned for a much longer time. Seems that dirt stimulates the neurons in out brains that create serotonin, which causes feelings of well being. So it is now being suggested that we let our kids play in the dirt because it will help them learn and calm them down. People, we have had it all wrong!! We don't need a cup of coffee in the morning, we need a cup of dirt! I always knew that pigs were smart! But it doesn't surprise me at all that dirt agrees so much with our bodies, and here's why.

"The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." Genesis 2:7

"By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return." Genesis 3:19


Unknown said...

Well said Ginny..I agree with you too....lovely shots...

SquirrelQueen said...

Even with the dirt all over them the pigs are still kind of cute. It was nice of them to greet you and pose for the camera.

Interesting study, I wonder if the scientist took the mineral content of the dirt into consideration.

A cup of dirt a day keeps the neurons happy!

DawnTreader said...

Well, now. There is hardly a playground anywhere without a sandbox it it, is there? (Not in this country, anyway...)

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Fascinating!But I don't think I will be running out to get a handful of dirt.:)

From the Kitchen said...

in the past, workers in the fields of the south (maybe all over) mixed that good red clay soil with water to form patties that they dried and ate while working. At least that's what I've heard. Can't wait to see that clay, not eat it. Hope we can meet for a cup of......something?!


Karin said...

Where are the Pharmaceutical Companies? There's millions to be made! We need LRCPs -- little red clay pills! You do find the most interesting facts! Love the Scripture! Of course there is such an affinity - we're made of it! Loved this!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gracious Mercy... Guess I'd better pour out my morning coffee and get outside and get me a cup of DIRT......

The little pigs are so cute---especially since there were THREE..... And you are right... They do love to wallow around in the dirt....

Reminds me of that squealing pig on TV -which was cute the first couple of times I heard it. Now--it's NOt so cute!!!!!! Enough is enough!!! ha

Have a great day ---and maybe I'll go out and eat my cup of dirt!!!!!! Wonder if they have the dirt into pill-size yet???? That would even be better. ha ha


George said...

This is an interesting post (with cute pictures of the pigs). I do think modern-day kids would be much better off if they did get outside to play and to get dirty.

Reanaclaire said...

pigs are cute creatures... :)

Jeanne said...

Love the "three little pigs" picture!

Makes me feel better, knowing that the dirt on fresh produce might not be so bad afterall. I wash and wash but maybe I'm washing away all the best nutrition.
Hope you have a nice weekend.

S. Etole said...

you always give us something to think about ...

Stephanie V said...

My mother always said that everyone would eat a peck of dirt before they died. She never said it was brain food, though.

RoeH said...

I've heard that pigs have a very high intelligence level above other animals. Dogs to start with. I like piggys. I don't want one in my house, but I like then.

Anonymous said...

Love the piggy photos - so cute!
I wonder then if the price of dirt would go up like coffee has???

srp said...

I fondly remember making mudpies under the carport in Roanoke as a child and baking them in the sun. It must have made a great impression to keep in a memory for 50 years... I have forgotten what I ate or even did just two days ago.

Kilauea Poetry said...

I loved this..reminds me of (The Good Earth) remember that? I raised Pot Belly pigs for a season and we had one in the house (our old shack) for quite awhile! They are nearly smart as a dog..why they can be house trained! You have no idea how bad I'd love to see your facial expressions!! I should save the rest (lol)..but had no idea about the dirt and the mice- what an incredible illustration!

Debbie Taillieu said...

Who knew pigs could be so cute!

lani said...

well said ....

Fred Alton said...

I laughed at this post because I have a very fastidious friend that will not eat anything with "unwashen" hands. I, on the other hand will pick up food off the ground and eat it if we're hunting or camping. He always packs a bottle of Purell hand cleaner, with which to wash his hands before eating. I'll wash mine in the creek and wipe them on my pants. You might say, "I'm happy as a pig in the sunshine!"

Remington said...

Interesting....I think I will replace Beth's cup of coffee tomorrow morning with a cup of dirt. I think she will be VERY happy!

mariel said...

that is so interesting! I love how science constantly proves what God has already said!! thanks for sharing this!

ruthinian said...

so cute. looks like you are not the only one who got an interaction with pigs. i had my share too last Friday when a dear girl friend brought me to a farm.

Annie Jeffries said...

Wallowing in all the mud keeps them cool since they don't sweat. And I'm guessing the mice with the dirt in their sandwiches are smarter because soil is a natural part of their diet in the wild. Gee, do I sound as pedantic as this reads? Oh well. Whatever the case - pigs are CUTE.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Did you read that some pregnant women crave for dirt?

Re: Mushroom, we didn't go into the restricted area , but remain on the path by it. There were waterfalls, and some people totally ignored the sign.

Rose said...

interesting info. re dirt eaten by pigs. thanks rose

Chatty Crone said...

Interesting study about the dirt - but I don't think I'll eat a dirt sandwich - for smarts or no smarts!


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Who knew that dirt was so calming and beneficial? I always enjoy having my hands in the dirt when I work in my garden. Now I know why!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

adorable piggies going wheee wheeee wheee all the way home. lov eit

Unknown said...

This is so cool! I love the pigs of course - great photos!!

I also LOVE dirt and always have. I love digging my hands in it! It smells so great. :o) Tomboooyyyy? LOL!

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