Saturday, October 16, 2010

My Obsession

Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky,
We fell them down and turn them into paper,
That we may record our emptiness.
Kahlil Gibran

Guess where I was today? Have you fugured out that I'm obsessed with the silver maples? We had to pass by them again, and I spent awhile there. I can't get enough of them. They sit on the edge of a busy highway, but actually seem to be on the edge of soneone's backyard. I want visitation rights. Phil is extremly nervous to drive off the highway and onto their grass, and is constantly looking around. He keeps mentioning a silly little thing about me not leaving the car because the owners may have attack dogs. Oh, fiddle-de-de! He just has a thing about not trespassing, I don't know why! Actually, I have done far scarier things to get a picture. I have quite a few fears, but it seems that my camera makes me brave and turns me into someone I'm not! It's kind of like a magic talisman that changes my personality. And tomorrow I will show you some of them. What about you, will you snap scary things? What's the most frightening thing you photographed?

"And the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground - trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food." Genesis 2:9


asadisae said...

I was always interested in your photographs,
whether this was in the yard?

Kilauea Poetry said...

That phone booth- hands down! (lol)Seriously..a laugh is a laugh but mine turned to a deep snicker!! My boys had to indure me digging up a few plants and cutting flowers..not in peoples yards..but all over creation..pushing the line. I can certainly relate and I don't blame you either..I'd do the same and get nearly the same reaction -how funny! The top and bottom are really lovely and the second and third are just stunning-wow!! What a contrast with the blue (I think we'd get in trouble together) ha ha:))

DawnTreader said...

The trees certainly stand out and I can see why your camera would be drawn towards them like a magnet... Yes, over the past year I've been feeling that too: the camera makes me more daring, and I sometimes forget to care whether other people might think I'm behaving oddly. The "most unlike me" I think is taking photos of people (strangers) in the street etc, in my own town. (I really should get myself a camera which can zoom in from a longer distance...)

Anonymous said...

That silver against the blue, blue sky is very beautiful! Bitten by the photography bug I can very well understand the "need" to get "that shot". Been there, still doing it!;)

The camera's made me (almost) overcome my fear of creepy-crawlies. But the scariest picture I took was of a python in a nature park. I didn't even want to go near it but my husband said I could get "some good shots for the blog". LOL!

Anonymous said...

I saw a silver maple the other day and thought of you Ginny! Friday when I stepped close to the edge of the hospital parking deck to take a photo for my blog, I looked down and realized just how really high up I was ~ that was scary!

From the Kitchen said...

Love those silver maples! I've found that having people around me while photographing intimidates me. Andrew is patient (most of the time) but, so far, I like to be alone--well, without someone I know. I drove through a local graveyard recently, wanting to take photos of some of the old stones but didn't because I couldn't decide if it was disrespectful or not.


Jane said...

I loved those trees the first time you posted about them. Thanks for sharing again!


Ruth's Photo Blog said...

These trees are so beautiful.If the people get upset about you being on their property,just offer them an enlargement of one of these pictures. :) That should keep them happy.

Peg said...

Bonnie, I don't think the people underground would mind at all! No privacy concerns there. I love taking photos in graveyards.

I got pretty close to an alligator to take a photo. I guess they can move pretty fast if they choose to, but she had her babies in her mouth and was sunbathing so paid very little attention to me.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am to scared to trepass, i see things i want but will not stop. fear holds me back even with the camera. i do my shooting in public places, these silver trees would have me knocking on a door and asking for close up access. i did that when there were mushrooms in the middle of a yard, she was in the yard so i walked up the drive way and asked permission, down here in FL we are permitted to shoot trespassers so i stay far away. i love these trees

Karin said...

You've been bitten hard haven't you! You'd probably make a good paparazzi, LOL! Just teasing! I love Ruth's idea of offering an enlarged photo - after getting permission for a close-up photo. These are such great shots Ginny and I share your fascination for things so beautiful and out of the ordinary!

Reanaclaire said...

U r very brave and determined.. thanks for showing us the photos.. they are really taken with courage!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I agree with you... Fiddly-Dee..... Those men of ours need to get with the program!!!!! ha ha

I love the silver maples also.. I've never seen one in person. Like you, I'd want to see it over and over also..... That's a 'girl thing' I guess!!!!!!!

Hope you have a wonderful day.

Chatty Crone said...

The scariest thing I have taken a picture of is me without make up and my hair not done! Your pictures and verses are so pretty.


Stephanie V said...

I sort of get Phil's concern about the trespassing. Not attack dogs, necessarily, but that would be pretty bad. Doesn't seem as though there's anyone close enough to mind you snapping those maples though.
Scariest photo I ever took was leaning over a cliff to get a shot below. I wasn't as scared as others seemed to be.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, It's absolutely understandable - after all, I have those backyard Woodpecker! : )

Have a super good day! I enjoy your blog tremendously!

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Ginny, those silver maples would draw me in too. They are truly beautiful.

There is something about having a camera in hand that gives us courage we wouldn't normally have. I really do try to be law abiding and stay on the sidewalk or road but sometimes I just have to get closer.

S. Etole said...

it's certainly tempting to go places with a camera in hand that we wouldn't normally go ...

Fred Alton said...

That's why we need zoom lens! I'm brave if I have enough distance. If my subject turns toward me and starts running my way I want to have a clear head start! I've taken pictures at close range of lions and elephants though. Just have to watch their ears. If they lay them back as they start towards you - LOOK OUT!

Remington said...

I like your trees that sparkle too!

Anonymous said...

What's the most frightening thing you photographed?

A skunk that invaded our campground once. :-(

Rose said...

love the photos. not familiar with the typeof tree.

Unknown said...

Ginny, I have never seen a tree like this and I absolutely love them. You captured them so perfectly. I want to go and find one at once. Very, very pretty! I love it!a

Annie Jeffries said...

There isn't much that will keep me away from a good picture, Ginny. If I were in your shoes, I'd be climbing a fence if it meant getting a better shot of those marvelous trees. You go, girl.

George said...

I'm glad you overcame your fears and got these pictures of the silver maples. Hopefully the experience wasn't too hard on Phil.
Betsy sometimes worries about my bushwhacking to get pictures of waterfalls, but like you, I trust my camera!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I was taught the Canadian song, Land of the Silver Birch, and thre Silver Fern is our national plant.

I did not know about the sliver maple. Do you get maple syrup from it?

I thought I replied about the aquaduck. I had somee computer trouble.

This is a tourist attraction on the Gold Coast of Australia. They do go into the water. I may be wrong, I think they have it in Singapore. I haven't ridden in it.

When I was ten, my very rich friend's dad had a car that could go in the water. At that time, I wish my dad was rich like hers. Now, I am happy as I am.

ruthi said...

hmmmm silver maple leaves? i have not seen any around here or maybe i was not paying attention and more attracted to the colorful ones. now that you mentioned about it... i will try to find out and watch out... i might have a post about it too. wink*

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