Sunday, October 31, 2010

Of An Evening


How was your Halloween evening? Here is some of ours. Our friends came over, the Knight twins and their parents. This picture is how their mom had made up her eyes, I thought it was very cool. Our granddaughter Anne Marie and her mom and dad also came over for the evening. And this is what I made for everyone. Bat, witch, and ghost cupcakes. A good time was had by all. I've had a long and busy day, and have also been indulging in quite a few Halloween trests to keep me going. O.K., not to keep me going, just because I love them and wanted to! So now I am tired and feel a major sugar coma coming on. Good night to all and I leave you with something that is just as sweet as candy and will give anyone a quick energy boost.

"Gracious speech is like clover honey - good taste to the soul, quick energy for the body."
The Message - Proverbs 16:24


Karin said...

Goodnight! Sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite! Mwaaaahhaaaaaa! Glad you had a fun time! Yummy looking goodies!

Smita Srivastava said...

Love the foodie creations !!! Must have been great fun !!!

Annie Jeffries said...

Hi Ginny. We had less that ten knockers but Tanner went crazy every time the door was knocked. He finally started just hanging out at the door, he was so sure it would happen again. We didn't get too much candy this year and it worked out perfectly. We were down to six pieces, turned the porch light off and the knocking stopped. Tanner's nerves started to reknit. LOL

SquirrelQueen said...

It looks like a great evening Ginny. Those cupcakes look delicious, I especially like the bat one in your header photo. Anne Marie looks so cute in her costume.

We had about a hundred trick-or-treaters tonight, a little less than last year. Fortunately I guessed about right on the candy and there were only a few pieces left.

Anonymous said...

Fun pictures and I love your cupcakes. Your granddaughter looks so sweet. Hope you have a great Monday Ginny.

From the Kitchen said...

Yummy! I've been on a sugar (food, in general) high for the past week. I pulled out the scale but didn't dare step on it. It will be a reminder to "watch it"!

Tomorrow, I'm telling all about our visit!!


Anonymous said...

Loved these photos! Your cupcakes look wicked!! Love that close-shot of the eye make-up. And the words you ended your post with. I hope you had enough time to rest....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

cool eye makeup and like that ninja suit. that chocolate turkey is devine. I want one!!! the cupcakes are really creative and special. thanks for letting me come to your party. hope you slept good through your sugar coma.

DawnTreader said...

That bat looks like it's been staying up to late (early) and is just longing to go to bed... LOL (Very cute)

Chatty Crone said...

You looked like you had a great Halloween. And your right - for me - nice words are better.


Reanaclaire said...

Happy Halloween!! treats or tricks? :)

Stephanie V said...

Wow! How long did it take to do that eye makeup? Sweet treats and so pretty to look at.

From the Kitchen said...

Emerson Creek Pottery is in Bedford. If you go, Google the map. I've never driven there and I don't pay much attention when I'm riding. The old house is where you can purchase the pottery. The actual pottery is in an old cement block building down the road.

I'm still unpacking and must get to the laundry.


LC said...

Clever treats and they look so tasty! We had no . . . none . . . nada ghosts and goblins on our street this year! It was down to about 20 last year. That said, the candy bowl of treats is still in our living room by the front door . . . BUT the treats are suspiciously disappearing! Guess my sugar coma will be post-Halloween. Hope you have recovered and have a great week.

Remington said...

What great treats!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Those bat cupcakes are quite cute and I'll bet they were tasty! We only had 2 little trick or treater's here but that is because we live in a neighborhood of older people and don't have sidewalks. Have a great All Soul's Day/Dia de Los Muertos.

George said...

It looks as if you had a wonderful Halloween at your house. I truly wish I could have sampled some of those goodies!

srp said...

We had about 35 kids this year.. a few more than last. The city limited the age to 12 and it wasn't until the last groups that that seemed to be tested a bit.

Now, wish we had some of these goodies here! They look delicious!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Ginny... You are just so creative... Your goodies are AMAZING--all of them.... Love the cupcakes.... YUM!!!!!

Looks like a great day for you all....

Glenda said...

You are the creative one, Ginny! Cute and delicious-looking treats . . . and I would have "sampled" them, too!

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, you're a very creative cook and blogger!

Kilauea Poetry said...

I like your attitude..those look so tasty and decorative!! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself:)

Together We Save said...

I love your food goodies!! So cute!! At my house we had 250+ trick or treaters at 7:00!!

Neal said...

Neat food creations! of course the first thing I do after Halloween is to get up early and go to the grocery store to stock up on half priced candy. Of course it's just what I need....NOT. :)

Leovi said...

True works of art in chocolate! Yummy! I love the chocolate!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness Ginny! Those cupcakes are the COOLEST things around. Wow! What a fun night you had!

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