Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Making A Good Thing Better, Or A Bad Thing Worse?

One of my favorite things about holidays is the special candy and sweets that go with them! So I just had to share my latest unusual finds for Halloween! Here you see neon green Hostess Snoballs. Also a chocolate covered Peep pumpkin, chocolate covered candy corn, and fall Andes mints in three assorted flavors. If food manufacturers take something that is bad for you and make it even worse, I'll be the first to find it. I like candy corn, and it has no fat content, but it does now that it's dipped in chocolate! And I'm sure the snoballs are worse for me than regular ones, with all that glow-in-the dark green dye. I try to rationalize the eating by thinking that it's only till the holiday is over, but there's always another one coming up right around the corner! What is your biggest food temptation, and your favorite holiday sweets?

"How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path." Psalm 119:103,104


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I was told to be scared of ghosts and spirits. I would be very scared to go out if I was a kid in USA.

pam said...

I'm not really into sweets so the Snoballs make me want to gag a bit...the color is fun. And chocolate covered candy corn...if it was dark chocolate I might like a couple...again the candy is just too sweet for me. Now the peeps just make me laugh at each holiday. We have Peeps lovers in the family.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The poi are soft balls, and these days, schools just recycle plastic bags. so every kid can have their two pois.

I have not tried dancing with the poi, just wave my fingers.

Every wednesday, 1/2 the school are taught by a Maori teacher. They call it Kapa Haka.

Kilauea Poetry said...

"If food manufacturers take something that is bad for you and make it even worse, I'll be the first to find it" (lol) Mine is chocolate..most anything chocolate (I almost did a post on it). But I enjoy this time of year and have good memories going door to door when it was safe. I rationalize myself (they certainly are all around the corner) and it's amazing how it throws your good intentions out or tends to delay what you need to focus on anyway. My mom would love that carmal corn..it just stands out like a pumpkin!
His words will live forever and we won't have to worry about food then either!

Dawning Inspiration said...

I just saw a chocolate covered Peep in the store today. I never liked those so don't know if I'd like it now - but then again - it DOES have chocolate on it!!

Joyful said...

I love snoballs of all colours.

Reanaclaire said...

hey Ginny, those look pretty cute to me.. never tasted nor seen them before... i bet the kids will love to take them..

Anonymous said...

I have not seen any of these yet. My favorite holiday treat is the peppermint bark candy at Christmas. I think I could eat an entire tin of it!!!

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh my goodness, as if things like peeps (which are almost pure sugar) weren't bad enough for us now they want to cover them in chocolate. Fortunately I can resist most of the usual Halloween treats. I usually buy the packaged fruit treats and by the time the kids get to my house they already have eaten so much chocolate they are ready for a change.

My weakness is the chocolate mint Girl Scout cookies, I have no willpower around those things. My favorite holiday treat is peppermint of any kind.

My pumpkin photo is actually one of the miniature pumpkins sitting in a flower pot and that cool leaf belongs to the flower.

DawnTreader said...

Hmm... I eat very little "candy" these days. Usually only buy plain dark chocolate, and sugarfree cough drops. Cakes and biscuits with my tea is a bigger temptation. And ice-cream...

From the Kitchen said...

Fall-colored peanut M&Ms!! I might buy a bag to keep me company on my trip!!

Packing, packing, packing!


Fred Alton said...

Biggest food temptation? Has to be Micro-wave peanut-butter fudge. Hands down! Why? 'Cause it's too easy to make and tastes so yummy!!! ☻ Next would be peanut-butter pin-wheels, made by my sister. It's hard to resist because these things are basically confectioners sugar with a little flavoring. Besides "desserts" is the opposite of "stressed". (well, "stressed" is "desserts" spelled backwards)

Remington said...

Some of that food looks scary....

Karin said...

I'll leave them all for you - not a one is calling my name. IF we want a little chocolate for Christmas it has to have some nuts in it - almonds or hazelnuts. We don't even like the traditional, every German person loves them, Brandy Beans! (Weinbrandbohnen) Temptations? I do, however, love to have blizzards in the summer and some butterscotch brittle at Christmas.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we don't buy halloween candy or other holiday candy, i can't stop eating it, it is an addiction so we have no candy in our house at all. christmas and thanksgiving we have sweet potato pies, we both love those. the only sweets we eat is when we eat out, we have desert. biscuits and bread are my downfall, and i could live on them. one piece of candy corn can set me off eating all that i bought and going for more. i am a sugarholic. this was interesting because i don't even look at the candy and did not know this was out there.

Annie Jeffries said...

Love the snowballs. Since Don's illness, I've been indulging him with lots of yummy treats. He loves Snowballs and I just got him classic pink this week. I haven't seen the green ones. I so hope they surface.

Chocolate covered candy corns??? Oh my. I just melted like Dorothy's bad witch.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I have had to wean my husband of 38 years off of Hostess Snowballs! Glad I have never seen those green ones. Pink or white are enough! : )
I being a diabetic, never eat them.
Have an extremely nice day and enjoy the fall colors while they are still around.

Stephanie V said...

Those green snowballs are wonderful. I'd never eat them now but they sure would have tempted my younger self.

Arti said...

These look quite inviting... I binge on loads of sweets during festival times and really forget all about the calories then!

What Karen Sees said...

So fun, and what a creative idea to think of photographing unique Halloween candy. I love it!!!

Deborah said...

I LOVE candy corn!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I am still into Reese cups. I guess that is kind of boring next to neon green sno-balls.

S. Etole said...

Oh, Ginny ... you always make me smile ... chocolate is my downfall ... and mashed potatoes.

George said...

I'm not sure any of these is an improvement over the regular product, but since I rarely eat sweets I guess my opinion doesn't count for much!!

Chatty Crone said...

Chocolate covered candy corn! Oh my!

ruthi said...

I like your title. But I love those peeps. wahhhhh.

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