Monday, July 18, 2011

Beeing There

"Hope is the only bee that makes honey without flowers."
Robert Ingersoll

Yesterday, I saw these bees among some flowers. They were HUGE!! The bees, that is, not the flowers. In fact, I have never seen bees so large in my life. I know all of you would have gone nuts with the camera just like I did!

"For flowers that bloom about our feet;
For tender grass, so fresh, so sweet;
For song of bird, and hum of bee;
For all things fair we hear or see,
Father in heaven, we thank Thee!"
Ralph Waldo Emerson


Darlene said...

That is indeed a very big bee! What kind of flower is that? It's very pretty. Great photos.

Bobbie said...

Wow! Good bee shots, Ginny!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Great shots.They do look exceptionally large.Yes,I would have kept my camera busy as well.

Chatty Crone said...

You know we are losing some of our bee population so this is great!

I love those flowers. Those are so beautiful.

And your photographs - gorgeous.

You and Sandra are masters!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great photos and poem, Ginny... Those are big bees for sure....

Hope you had a great day...

Shug said...

Hey there Ginny....

Great did a super great job capturing all these photos...
We have had a lot of bees around here lately...I guess they just need a little drink of that sweet pollen. Our yard needs a little drink of rain!
hugs to you..

Annie Jeffries said...

I have big black bumblebees all over one of the shrubs in my front yard. I must admit that I don't get many good shots of them because I can't bear to get too close to them. Being stung once was one time too many. I have a very healthy respect for bees. That being said, I love your shots and applaude your bravery.

George said...

These are great macros of the bee. Very well done.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Great shots, you are good with capturing them as they are fast.

those are carpenter bees, big bees. they eat wood. We here in the south have a time with them. My porch is eaten up with dime size holes. we spray, paint, patch the holes but each spring, here they come. They are now starting on the shed. SCREAM!

So be careful and watch if you have wood around that is not pressure treated.

Lynn said...

Fantastic shots Ginny. Hmm those are VERY large bees. I would have made sure I had my long lens while taking the shots, would not want one of those things to turn on me. Thank you for the lovely comment you left on my blog at your last visit. It touched my heart. Have a blessed beeutiful week!

Karen said...

You captured the size alright! Love the flowers too.

Rose said...

Yeah, I would have went crazy with camera....

Shanda said...

Once again, I am awed by your photos. You have to be incredibly patient to take capture such shots. And, yes, it is so good to let God manage our time and priorities.

Anonymous said...

Very nice, Ginny.

Yasmin said...

Nature is so beautiful! It really does show the best side of the world and makes everyone calmer and happier. Except for people who are scared of bees!!!!!!


Reanaclaire said...

hey.. be careful of the big bee, Ginny.. one sting.. must be very painful!

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh wow, Ginny she is a beautiful creature. You got some fantastic shots. I love your header photo with the bee in flight.

Ann said...

a lovely poem to accompany your awesome shots. Yes I would have had the camera going too, those are some huge looking bees.

From the Kitchen said...

Those bees look big enough to put a leash on and make pets out of. Beautiful flower shots.


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Love the new header shot - what a cool close up!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are really large AND scary!!! you know me and bees, to me the only good bee is a dead bee. these are the biggest I have seen, and you really captured them well. one was floating past me in the pool today and i was singing the only good bee is a dead bee and my husband was shaking his head. they drown in the pool, i save most things that fall in but not bees. hubby says things like bees do lot of good things and we need bees and i said let them do their thing in someone else yard. great shots here

Stephanie V said...

Very nice. I love to watch the bees as they work. And listen to their comfortable humming.

Joanne said...

That shot with the bee just floating in the air is so crisp! I've said this have a great eye for photography. I love your pictures!
Blessings, Joanne

LC said...

What great close ups of these bees in action! And I appreciated old Ralph's thank you prayer for God's beautiful world!

S. Etole said...

Such great photos that you have shared ... I may have been a bit nervous considering their size!

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a great capture, Ginny. Your photos are beautiful. About your question: Strickly speaking porridge is hot oatmeal rather than just a cereal. I guess logically we could say porridge can be cereal but cereal, unless its hot and cooked in liquid, can't be porridge. Either way, if your new diet restrictions allow it, I hope you will give the porridge a try. It is a really nice way to begin the day. Enjoy your evening. Blessings...Mary

Glenda said...

They are huge bees . . . and they look so busy!! Beautiful shots!

LV said...

What awesome bee shots. You definitely would not want him on you. The overall sight makes a very pretty post. My great grandson, will be seven in August. He acts like a much older child. He is getting a small version of a four wheeler for his birthday so he tells me.

Doris Sturm said...

I saw these photos and went nuts thinking "lucky Ginny got those awesome photos!" It's a big bumblebee and boy do I love that header photo! You must have a great camera to get all that detail! May I ask what kind you have please? I'm making notes for when my Fujifilm Finepix gives out!

That Hope saying reminded me of another one about Faith - it was one of those Chinese proverbs on a Celestial herbal tea box. It bugs me now that I can't remember the exact words, but it goes something like this:

Faith is a bird lifting its voice in song right before the beginning of dawn...

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Wow! This is a bog bee and he looks very busy. Wonderful photos as always, Ginny.

PS: The unusual shaped building in the Manhattan skline you spotted is just one of the many office buildings. I guess the building's architect wanted a unique design.

Regina said...

That is such a pretty quote! I see two posts but I thought you were taking yesterday off? So you did two today then..sorry I took so long getting over here. Those bees look just like the black wood bee here but yours has orange on cool!! The female is solid orange but only comes around a few times a year. Lovely photos today-

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

In Singapore, they have a campaign saying little crime doesn't mean no crime.

I was fortunate not to live behind such bars, LOL. We had the option of living in a High Rise Condo with elevators, or a low rise 4 to 5 storeys where I had to climb the stairs. I didn’t want to be stuck in a elevator if it broke.

In deed, my 60 something friends were stuck in an elevator for 6 hours. In another case, when they were fixing the elevators, it was either a lock in or lock out.They gave the notification, on Sunday, we are fixing the elevator from10 am to 5 pm, at this time , you either stay out or stay in.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

These are huge bees and nice among the flowers

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