Monday, July 11, 2011

Of Cows And Sunsets...

Yes, it's another one of my Chick-Fil-A posts! But I couldn't resist it. Here is a picture of our son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter dressed up like cows, so they could all get free meals. The restaurant is celebrating it's one year anniversary here, and offering different free foods every day. So what if you may have to do a few goofy things in order to get it? See this car? It's full of cows, and whoever guesses how many are in there wins a big prize! Our granddaughter has not been too fond of the giant cows that roam the place, as you can see by the suspicious look on her face when one showed up. She would not get near it unless Phil held her. Not long ago, she confided to me that they were not normal cows "There is a people in there!" she proclaimed. All pictures taken by me except the first one, which a family member took. Something else our Chick-Fil-A has is great sunsets after dinner!

The worried cow would have lived 'til now,
If she had saved her breath.
But she feared her hay wouldn't last all day,
And she mooed herself to death.


S. Etole said...

You have so many fun things to share with us!

Shanda said...

So cute!

SquirrelQueen said...

I'm with Anne Marie, that cow does look a little suspicious. I don't think I would want to get close to it either. :)

That poem is just too funny Ginny.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

what's the logic, the cow promoting you to eat chicken?

Reanaclaire said...

Just look at your granddaughter, her skeptical look on the cow-man/girl! hahaha.. cute..

Anonymous said...

We saw a lot of "cows" at CFA last week when we stopped for a lemonade!!!

Arti said...

Wow! What a wonderful post Ginny.
Send Anne Marie here in India, there are so many cows here... They are revered species and it is believed that all Gods and Goddesses reside in a Cow. That will relieve her of her phobia!!
Have a wonderful week ahead:)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love her comment about a people in there. She is very observant and very right to be a little disturbed. Beware a wolf in sheep's clothing.

From the Kitchen said...

News flash! We are getting one nearby. My first visit was to the one in Valley View Mall in Roanoke. Liked it best of all the fast food restaurants. Love the photos.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

poor complaining cow... I must remember this poem when i start to whine.
she does look a little afraid and she is right to be afraid of strange people, even in a cow head. a wonderful way to get chickin, i love their sandwiches. have not seen anything like that here, but don't go to the mall very often and the free standing is 15 miles away so don't pass it. i love your visits to all these places and can't wait each day to see what where when and how you have been. keep snapping

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What a cute picture --that first one was, of your son and family... He must be a great guy in order to dress up like that for FREE food.... Don't think that many men would do that!!!!!! ha.. BUT--they all look so cute.

Yes, Anne does have a petrified look on her face. Thank Goodness Phil was there to 'protect' her..

Gorgeous sunset...

Ruth Hiebert said...

Now that is a cool way to get a free meal.Love the sunset too.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Now that is too cute for words, all dressed up like cows...
She is very wise! yes there are people in there.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary Bergfeld said...

Ginny, these are just wonderful photos. They belong in the family memory book. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I LOVE that you celebrated free chicken day! We never have but it does look fun :-)

George said...

The Chick-Fil-A in Knoxville had a similar promotion, but we didn't get there to see the results. Anne Marie is definitely skeptical of that 'cow'.
The sunset you captured is gorgeous.

RoeH said...

Too cute! And that sunset. Wish I could paint like that.

Velvet Over Steel said...

I love it.. 'eat chicken' on a cow... That is the cutiest thing I've seen in a while! & what a funny quote! :-)

Together We Save said...

I am so happy to see these pictures!! Looks like lots of fun!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Well, I sure love Chick-fil-A! Fun cow theme. Our nearest Chick-fil-A is in Knoxville about 1 hour away from us so we seldom go. Have a wonderful day!

LC said...

This was hilarious, especially your little grand's assessment of the cow situation: There's a people in there!


Glenda said...

Ginny, I really like the poem, one that I've never heard or read. It says so much and reminds me not to "moo myself to death"!

Ann said...

I agree with Anne Marie, that cows not Love that expression on her face.
I would never be able to get my husband to dress up like a cow even if he did get a free meal out of it.

Bobbie said...

Beautiful sunset! I love the pictures especially the look on Ann Marie's face looking at the 'cow'. LOL. Priceless!!

Regina said...

Wait..this is a cow ad for chicken?! I can see the worried look in her face! I'm glad God doesn't reside in a cow..but this is a hoot!
Lovely sunset and spanking new header! I Like it very mooch-

Regina said...

Ginny..could you let me know if you were able to see the short videos? I kept getting an unavailable message which is odd? Thanks-

Chatty Crone said...

I read about that - that was so cute. That Truit Cathy is some kind of man. They use expired coupons - will switch if you need too - never makes an issue - wish all stores were like that and look how successful they are.

Your grandcow - cute!

LV said...

Loved this family chicken post.

srp said...

Chick-Fil-A is amazing! Love the billboards!

Joanne said...

Oh I would love to dress up in a silly outfit! I wish they did that around here!
Blessings, Joanne

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