Sunday, July 17, 2011

Till Tuesday

I like the idea of taking Monday off from the computer. It seems to be our busiest day. So I think from now on I will be taking Mondays off, no blog hoping or computer stuff. I will leave you with images of summer, giant images. They may look regular sized, but look at the last picture of Phil with one to see it in perspective! All of these were hanging from the ceiling of Target! Till Tuesday...


Karen said...

I just love store displays, especially ones like this! They would come in so handy for decorating for VBS & etc. Yes, I know what you mean about taking a day off. I've been in a lull for the summer months, but am picking up the pace with the blogging the past few weeks. Enjoy your Monday.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

So you are taking Monday off from blogging? I take the weekends since so many others do also--and when I used to post on weekends, there weren't many comments... Oh Well---I do think it is good to take time off.. We ALL need it... Have a great day!!!!


Joanne said...

Aren't those amazing!? I've seen the corn at our target but not the others. amazing how they trick the eyes to make you feel like they're
I hear ya about taking Mondays off. I rarely post on Sundays but i think I might want to take Saturday off too. I haven't made up my mind yet.little discouraged this week...lost three followers and stats are way down :O(
I'm having a pity party!
enjoy your day off!
Blessings, Joanne

Regina said...

Great Summery images! We have a Target that's going to open in town the 24th. They were kind of pricy on the Kona side last time I they have decent sales?
So you'll be taking Monday's off..well, thats not so bad- hope you both have a great day:)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

photo 2, is it a weight watcher's corn on the cob?

SquirrelQueen said...

Those are some very colorful and fun displays, I love those sunglasses.

Enjoy your Mondays off Ginny. Sometimes it good to take a break and get things done. Summer is so busy here I'm not posting all that much myself.

Reanaclaire said...

Normally I take weekends off from blogging, less hopping but more mopping in the house.. hahaha..
Hope you have a good rest, Ginny! I love the giant shuttlecock hanging above Phil's head...

Annie Jeffries said...

Oh, what fun!. I wonder if our Target did this.

Enjoy Monday off. More time to play.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love the sign in your header! Make summer funner...

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

We all deserve days off! Enjoy!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have not been in our target i about 4 years, i may have to go just to see if we have all this wonderful stuff. these are great and i was wondering where you found them hanging in a ceiling. great shots. i am thinking of doing what betsy does and taking the week end off. we all need a day off. enjoy and see you tomorrow and dont try to go back and catch up, just take it off

Chatty Crone said...

Wow those fun things were big! I'm glad to see you chilling on Mondays. IT is my busiest day too!

Karin said...

I've been off all last week because the grands were visiting and this week because I have to work so many extra shifts. I just may become a winter only blogger, lol! Love your photos - so cool! Enjoy your time off! When you pop up in my reader I'll come and read. Will have to catch up with everyone's posts!

S. Etole said...

Fun summer reminders. Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Happy Monday day off! You deserve it! Enjoy!

George said...

I'm glad Phil wasn't standing under that watering can!
I hope you're enjoying your computer-free day.

Ann said...

those are the coolest store decorations I've ever seen. I love them. I've also thought about taking at least one day a week off from blogging. I think we all need a break now and then.

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, I'm proud of you for the self-discipline. I decided some time back that I would not let the computer totally run my life. Even now, there are times Frances says "enough"! Haha. ☻

photowannabe said...

I'm all for breaks on a regular basis. Enjoy your Mondays and see you on Tuesdays.

LC said...


Bobbie said...

Hi Ginny; I hope you had a great Monday!! Phil looks like he's ready to spend some money there at Target...

Melanie said...


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

That is a nice idea, we cannot be on the computer 7 days a week.

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