Sunday, July 3, 2011

Hail Like Pebbles

Today, in our boldest blogging move ever, Phil and I actually risked life and limb for you!! So I am interrupting all my July Fourth posts for this breaking news! In the mid afternoon, a severe thunderstorm arrived, and within minutes, hail. Large hail. While Phil held the kitchen door open, I stuck the video camera out in the lightening and driving rain. In the video, which is only 47 seconds long, you can see the the storm gets progressively worse till we had to shut the door. The flashing you see in the video is lightening. After the storm was over, we saw that the temperature had dropped thirty degrees! As we drove around afterward, you can see the streets littered with leaves and debris from the storm. On this Monday the Fourth, we have plans for celebration all day and evening, so I will not have the computer on, and am taking a holiday break. Promise I will catch up on all your posts on Tuesday!

"He sends his command to the earth;
his word runs swiftly.
He spreads the snow like wool
and scatters the frost like ashes.
He hurls down his hail like pebbles.
Who can withstand his icy blast?"
Psalm 147:15,17


George said...

I hope that hail didn't damage your car. The video is very impressive, but I'm glad that storm was up there rather than down here!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My Gosh----I was thinking the same thing that George wrote. Hope your car wasn't damaged. Looks like a fast-moving storm!!!!!

We need some rain here now.. Haven't had a drop since we got home--and it's hotter than hot. BUT--I don't want any storms like that!!!!!!

Happy 4th!

Karin said...

Yikes! These hailstorms do so much damage to crops and property! You sure got a great video of these ice balls from heaven! And that 30 degree drop in temp. Be safe and keep well!

Reanaclaire said...

I watched the whole video.. gosh, they are pebbles? ice pebbles? they froze up and dropped like ice... gosh.. how painful to be hit by them.. thank God no one is hurt..

srp said...

Wow! I just looked at the radar and that storm is still on its way here, but not as bad and it might just skirt us to the north.... I do hope so.... I don't have the hot tub lid tied down.

SquirrelQueen said...

Goodness Ginny, those are some large chunks of ice! I hope all that hail didn't cause any major damage.

Have a wonderful 4TH!

Joanne said...

Wow! I don't think I have ever seen hail come down like that. Did it damage your cars?
Blessings, Joanne

Joanne said...

Happy 4th of July!!!
Blessings, Joanne

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

isn't it summer? We did have hail once in Borneo.

Annie Jeffries said...

MERCY!! Hope Monday is warm and cozy safe.

Arti said...

This is not good Ginny, already once you risked being taken by police for us and now this!!! Really very brave of you to get all these pics...
Have a calmer and a happy week ahead:)

Ruth Hiebert said...

I trust that the hail left no lasting damage.Have a wonderful day.

Melanie said...

So glad you were OK, Ginny! We had a thunderstorm last night, but thankfully the really bad one was just to our south.
Hope you all have a happy 4th!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Wow, that's some hail. Must've missed us on its way north. Happy 4th!

Doris Sturm said...

Ouch! Whenever that happens, I think of all the unprotected animals in the wild, especially if there are babies in their sad! That hail looked painful!

Happy Independence Day! Hope you're enjoying it without hail today!

DawnTreader said...

Ouch! I immediately withdraw all complaints I might have had about our weather the past few days ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Yikes! Even when I lived in N.E. Texas I never had larger hail come down. I hope I never see ping pong or baseball-sized hail in my life! Stay safe and enjoy the holiday. God Bless America!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

no video for me to watch and i can't believe you stood in an open door with lightning and hail. what WERE you thinking. that is some really big hail. i had no idea and have never seen hail of any kind. hope i never do and hope the rest of yhour day is good for your celebration

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness - we are getting your storm now! The temps went down 30 degrees too. Thank you for risking your life (and Phil's) to take that video for us!

Happy 4th.

Hope it didn't do any damage to the cars.

Tracy said...

Oh Ginny, you are too funny! Thank you so much for risking life and limb :) Did it do any damage? gosh, we had some in Ohio years ago and most houses in the area had windows broken and huge holes in their siding and roofs; it was a amazing really!
Hope your fourth was phenomenal Ginny!

Together We Save said...

Wow - hail can be so scary!! Hope you didn't have to much damage.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh Ginny hail can do such severe damage. a few years ago in July we had a very bad hail storm the hail was the size of baseballs and I am not exaggerating. We had to replace the siding on one side of our house, repair the broken glass in 10 windows, and my car was totaled! No fun!

Shanda said...

I love is exactly something I would have done. I remember in 1993 we lived in NC when Hurricane Hugo hit. Everyone was hiding in bathrooms except my grandmother who was visiting ( in her 60's) and me and we were at the windows and peaking out the back door! I didnt' even grow up with my grandmother but am so much like her!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Drop jaw! Boy, you sure had a storm to blow your way, OUCH if anyone got hit with those ice-balls. They sure can do some damage to the cars. I so hope your car was under shelter.

Regina said...

I've never had a banana withn my hail before! (lol) Actually, I can only remember that happening where I grew up in S. Cal once. What a cool video!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

That was a storm filled with hail. Those are not small either. We need the rain but storms??

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