Saturday, July 30, 2011

Going, Going, Gone...

First, let me say that I will be taking a computer break again on Monday. So I will see you all on Tuesday, when I will announce the winner of my Vera Bradley contest!  You still have till midnight this Sunday to enter!

This was the sunset this evening, all seen through just a little hole in the many clouds after a good rain. We just got a tiny glimpse then it was gone, so quickly...we also got the tiniest glimpse of Jesus before he was gone at such a young age, but what he did, said, and showed us will never be gone.

"I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going...I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
John 14


S. Etole said...

These are fantastic, Ginny! Have an enjoyable break.

Arti said...

Wonderful pics Ginny... And the quote is beautiful too!!
Enjoy the Sunday and your little break too:)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

great color, and clouds. What do you do when you are off the computer?

Anonymous said...

Very pretty pictures!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Lovely sunset!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I do so love that last shot, i like the way it is slowly fading, but that last one is just plain gorgous. the sky is always there for us to shoot at. sky shots rock and these sure do. enjoy your day off with the kiddos.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Love the sunset and enjoy the break!

RoeH said...

So pretty!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Ginny,these are spectacular.It is a wonderful reminder that one Jesus will come in the clouds for us.Praise His name.Have a blessed Sunday.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gorgeous pictures, Ginny... We went to Knoxville yesterday and saw a pretty sky/clouds on the way home.. Thought about Susan sitting up there on that pink cloud...

Pray for us. We're headed to Atlanta tomorrow (about a 4.5 hour drive each way)for the funeral. Twill be a long day.


Chatty Crone said...

Did you read the new book out - Heaven Is For Real?

God will always be there whether is light is on or off - good to know.

Have a good day off tomorrow.

Happy Sunday.

Karin said...

Oh what glorious sunset and I love that you took the sequence of photos! My little camera does not do a great job of all the sky pictures I've taken - simply doesn't do it justice. Have a great week-end and God bless!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Beautiful, simply beautiful!!! Excellent verse, too! Have a wonderful day and stay cool.

Connie Arnold said...

Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos, Ginny! And even more, thanks for the reminder and scripture.

Stephanie V said...

That still looks hot, hot, hot.

LC said...

Another delightful series of "looking up" images. As beautiful as they are, they and your scriptures remind me that we have to look higher than the sky, beyond the sun, moon and stars, beyond the heavens, for assurance about our future.

Have a restoring and joyful Monday!

Ann said...

you always manage to find such lovely sunsets. Enjoy your break and see you Tuesday

Doris Sturm said...

I miss seeing good sunrises and sunsets, but when I'm living in the Blue Ridge mountains, I'll have that back again....happy Sunday and enjoy your day off ;-)

Regina said...

I sometimes think of it as chasing sunsets..they fade so quickly! The last reminds me of the volcano at night! Beautiful and so were your thoughts and verse-
Well, I recall you said something about needing our address..I will shoot you a line so you can be sure to mail me my purse (ha ha)

George said...

These are beautiful pictures of a gorgeous sunset. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Tablescapes By Diane said...

Hi lovely lady.
You take some beautiful pics sweet lady. Im your newest follower on your blog. I hope you can come over to my Tablescapes and follow me.
XXOO Diane

Shug said...

Do you see the big bear in that last shot...First thing I noticed in that shot...
Glad we have cameras to capture amazing views...
Have a great evening.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

such beautiful pictures of that sun set!! Have a wonderful Monday.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

That round pizza like dish: OTAK Traditionally it is wrapped in banana leave like an envelope and BBQ.

This restaurant lined the bottom with banana leaf and steamed.

It is made of minced fish paste with shrimps and spices and coconut milk. The spice is not chilli hot.

Poetic Soul said...

Looks like the sky is in flames, gorgeous

Fred Alton said...

That's some most spectacular foto work, Ginny!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You are a great Grandma.

Blogging is a de-stressing and distracting time for me. When I am writing, especially when I am editing, I get very tired. Blogging with good friends like you relaxes me.

Shanda said...

Gorgeous photos. There are many colorful sunsets but most don't do justice in photos. These are beautiful

SquirrelQueen said...

Glad to hear you got some rain, we could use a little over this way too. Enjoy your days off, I took some time off too. See you on Tuesday!

Glenda said...

Gorgeous pics, Ginny! Beautiful Scriptures of hope!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

what beautiful shots...looking at them reminds me how powerful and in control He really is. Have fun today out there and stay safe Ginny.

photowannabe said...

Enjoy your break and I love the glimpse of the Son...sun.

Reena said...

Beautiful images, Ginny! Enjoy your break today!

Bobbie said...

Wow! Just beautiful, as always. Enjoy your Monday, dear friend.

Melanie said...

Beautiful pictures of the sunset, Ginny! You are a wonderful photographer! :)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You must have spent a long time, adjusting and snapping. My sky photo, took couple of seconds. My husband said when it is so bright, you won't take good photos. I thought I just snap and see.

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