Saturday, July 2, 2011

Watching And Waiting

What have we here? Patriotic geese lined up, waiting for the Fourth Of July. Since most geese mate for life, I am assuming that we have two couples. A pair of Uncle Sam geese, even wearing the little hats. And also a pair of soldier geese, protecting their yard from harm. Watching and waiting...a flock of geese always has a watcher, you will see one with his head up, looking all around and standing watch while the others eat. But there is only one who can see everything.

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
the people he chose for an inheritance.
From heaven the Lord looks down
and sees all mankind;
from his dwelling place he watches
all who live on earth-
he who forms the hearts of all,
who considers everything they do.
No king is saved by the size of his army;
no warrior escapes by his great strength."
Psalm 33:12,16


Arti said...

But there is only One who watches everything. So true Ginny, nothing escapes His eyes, we must always try to be truthful and humble and caring towards others... Have a wonderful Sunday:)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Great pictures... Are YOU waiting for the 4th of July???? Bet you are since you have all of those special fireworks to shoot......

Hope you take lots of pictures to share with us... We are staying home and grilling a steak on Monday night.. We'll watch the fireworks on TV.


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

when you first look at the geese, they look real. Where are the eagles? I read somewhere that some one proposed the turkey should be the national emblem.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Those photos were annual class photos, not reunion ones. they were 1974, and 1975 when I was there. I left for Canada in September for university.

Next year, they are having a reunion, and have invited me. But it is very far from NZ.

Reanaclaire said...

so it is tomorrow? the geese are very cute too...

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures and lovely header photo too. Wishing you and your family a blessed weekend.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...


Came via Dawn Treader's site, these are mussels, New Zealand is famous for mussel. I cook them quite often.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

more cool stuff in your town. thanks for the lovely view of where you live in the header, it gives me a sense of your city. beautiful flag. these are my kind of geese, they can't peck me or chase me. yesterday i went to family dollar and the library, i chose side streets to look for things to take shots of like you do, like these geese, i found not one single thing worthy of camera and also saw not one flag or any signs at all of the 4th on the way. downtown i drove through slowly looking at all the windows and bars and stores and not one sign of the 4th. i am thinking it might be the economy is so bad here and no jobs and unemployment rate is 15 so people are just blah now. then i thought we don't have our flag out either and thought what's up with that?

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I like the the geese are joining the festivities.

Karin said...

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord! What a great Psalm! Have a fabulous July 4th!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

sooo cute Ginny...happy 4th of July

Ruth Hiebert said...

Someone has gone to a lot of work to show their patriotism.I am so thankful that we have One who is watching us all the time.

Chatty Crone said...

I have three of those in my front yard - but mine don't have any clothes! What a cute idea.

Happy 4th to you Ginny.

Stephanie V said...

Where do you find these things? Terrific little costumes.

Unknown said...

Chattty Crone has nekked geese in her yard ...whoops!

So love these pictures of the geese, cute idea, Ginny.

Witout Him, we are nothing.

May her flag fly high & proud forever over this great land ... may God see the changes we need & grant us that blessing.

Happy 4th, my friend,


Lady Jane said...

Have a Happy 4th to you and your wonderful family. LJ

Regina said...

A great post Ginny..and so true! What a delightful find (as usual)!!

DawnTreader said...

I never knew you had so many decorations for 4th of July!

Mary Bergfeld said...

What wonderful photos, Ginny. I hope you are all set for the big day. The salad dressing will keep for a week. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Doris Sturm said...

So what will you guys be doing tomorrow without attracting the police or getting lost? I can't wait to find out, but whatever you do, have a wonderful time and be careful LOL

We love you,
Doris and Gizzy

Bobbie said...

Hi Ginny. Happy 4th to you.. Now be Careful!!

Joanne said...

I need new glasses...for a second i thought they were real!!! I was about to ask..."how the heck did they get those geese to wear those outfits!" LOL!
Have a great 4th Ginny!
Blessings, Joanne

srp said...

These are too funny! I was hoping the 4th would bring cooler temps, low humidity... so I could don my white long sleeved, long pants, head gear and dose myself with deep woods off and work out behind the fence in the tick infested preserve. I have much to do there. No such luck... hot, humid.

Fred Alton said...

What a wonderful picture in your header! You are a skilled blogger - and know how to relate everything to the Scripture. I love that, of course. Hope you and Phil have a truly enjoyable 4th of July. We have no plans here...but to relax in our freedom and enjoy the bountiful blessings around us.

Ann said...

Those geese are very patriotic aren't they? I used to work with a lady who had one of those and she had outfits for every occasion for it.

Shanda said...

Those are so cute! Do you dress them up for each holiday?

Shug said...

Hi Ginny....Great pictures of these darling patriotic geese.
I am thankful that the Lord sees all...I am thankful that the Holy Spirit keeps me on track....
Hope your 4th is great...

SquirrelQueen said...

The geese are so cute, someone was being very creative to dress them up that way. I have to admit I have never seen patriotic geese before.

Most of our geese are Canada geese so I assume if they had a flag it would have a red maple leaf on it. :)

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