Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Computer Switchover

Two days ago, we were driving on the interstate at dusk, when the moon came up over the mountains. It was a beautiful sight, you can see here the layers of blue beneath the moon, also the line of cars. It was one day before the full moon, which is called the Snow Moon or Hunger Moon this month. I have been having problems with my computer, and am getting a new one delivered tomorrow. So I will be taking a very long weekend break while I learn the new computer and also the new operating system, and get everything switched over. I will not be posting or visiting till possibly Tuesday. I will miss you all and hope to see you soon!!!!

"Blessed by God be his land: The best fresh dew from high heaven, and fountains springing from the depths; The best radiance streaming from the sun and the best the moon has to offer; Beauty pouring off the tops of the mountains and the best from the everlasting hills; The best of Earth's exuberant gifts, the smile of the Burning-Bush Dweller.”
Deuteronomy 33


pam said...

Hope the change goes well and God grant you much clarity of thought in learning the new stuff!

George said...

Good luck with the new computer. Your photos of the moon are gorgeous.

Joanne said...

Cool Pictures! Good luck with the new computer!
Blessings, Joanne

Unknown said...

Nice post ! Iam tring to learn to type on this i pad my fingers too big I think or I can not see , I dropped it to day and brok the glass screen but it is still working . God blessed me with a wonderful husband ! Thanks for sharing Joann

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your photos are stunning. I hope you and the new computer play nicely together :-). I'll be watching. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Reanaclaire said...

hey Ginny, same problem with me? My new pc will come by end of this weekend only..

SquirrelQueen said...

Your photos of the moon are gorgeous Ginny, I love the one you used for a header!

Good luck with the new computer but I know you can do it with no problems. Have some fun with it. See you next week.

From the Kitchen said...

Moon over I-64? WONDERFUL photos. You are so good at shooting the moon. I hope you and the new computer are compatible. See you soon.


Alice said...

I love the layers of color in the fifth shot, and the moon over the traffic is hauntingly beautiful.

And a new computer, how exciting! Have a great weekend.

Shug said...

Interesting...have never heard of the snow moon. Reason being I am sure, is because we hardly ever have snow..
Best of everything with the new computer....I know changes (especially technology changes) can be a bit trying...I know you will get it all figures out quickly...What kind of computer are you changing to?
Have a wonderful rest of the week and weekend..

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

It was a beautiful moon the other night, it lite up the sky! You do capture the moon so well and this shot with the hillsides in the distance... Awesome.

I do hope you will get back with us very soon, we will miss you.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I too,am wondering what kind of computer you are getting. Have fun getting acquainted with it.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I switched out computers in the past couple of weeks myself. I still haven't gotten everything moved over! I also need to download some drivers so the printer will work. Frustrating, but I'll get to it eventually.

Lovely moon shots Ginny!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

can't wait to here how you like the new one, will be waiting to here from you. did you know you can export your favorites and your email addresses, send the file to your email address and it is so much easier, you can import them into the new computer, you can save the file on to a flash drive and them pick it up in the new computer, no more adding it all address by address.

Stephanie V said...

Thanks for leaving us with lovely photos. Good luck with the computer. New stuff is always exciting.

DawnTreader said...

Good luck with the new computer! Wonderful moon pictures as always, I don't know "how you do it" :)

Tracy said...

Ginny, I got a new computer a couple weeks ago and I'm still learning how to use it...I love the moon photos; nice work!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos of the moon ^_^
Good luck with the new computer.
Have a great day


FilipBlog said...

Good moon pictures. You give my a good idea for the future.


S. Etole said...

These are so serenely pretty. Hope your switchover goes well.

Karin said...

Someone asked me if I saw the full moon. I said, "No, I always wait until my friend posts pictures of the full moon on her blog." You never disappoint! Thanks for sharing your photos! Have a good switchover week-end!

Ann said...

fabulous pictures of the moon.
Have fun learning the new computer. See you next week

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Made me chuckle because as I was taking my own pictures of the "Snow Moon", I was wondering in my mind if you were out there snapping away in your yard. Your pictures of the Moon are aways excellent! Have a great day tomorrow!

Chatty Crone said...

You must take your camera with you where ever you go! And I'm glad. Hey good luck with your NEW computer. sandie

Marie said...

Breathtaking pics Ginny! These should be postcards for people visiting the mountains!
Good luck with your new computer...exciting! Will miss your post. Hurry back! Enjoy the weekend!

Anonymous said...

Sweet! One day I will have a really nice camera and look at the moon and go Oh I now can capture that beauty with my camera! Right now it just blurrs....beautiful shots Ginny

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Good Luck with the new computer, Ginny. Are you switching to a Mac????

Love your moon pictures. I always say that you are the BEST moon photographer I know.

Have a great weekend.

Bobbie said...

Hi Ginny. Will sure miss you but glad you will have a puter that works for you. Beautiful moon!

Fred Alton said...

Great shots of the mountains under the moon-light. Your part of the world is most beautiful. Good on you for the new computer and wishing you the best in learning all the new twists. May all go smoothly.

Anonymous said...

Ginny, dont forget to enter my blog giveaway :)

Rose said...

Love the moon shots...
are you getting a laptop or a desktop computer? I am looking and looking at laptops...this one is about shot. I use my little netbook in the evening, but cannot do all my photowork it is a pain.

Did you do research for new computer or just get one and hope for the best?

BlueShell said...

what a beautiful set of photos dear.
Thank you for sharing and thank you for your tender words.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my goodness gracious sakes alive...are these images ever 'heavenly'!!! Absolutely breathtaking! Color me jealous. I would love to have a new computer, but this one still works [knock wood] just fine. Tell us all about it when you return to blogging.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Take a break and enjoy it!!!

Laura said...

BEAUTIfFUL Ginny...absoulutely gorgeous!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

love the shot with all the car in the dark. Have fun with the new computer.

Anonymous said...

Hello Ginny! I just posted after a longish break. I'll be catching up with your older posts soon. Loved the way you've captured the long line of cars. As for the moon captivating as ever!! Hope you enjoy using the new computer!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I don't know how I missed this post! I just love your moon photos! Good luck with the new computer.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Love to have a camera like yours.

I am hoping to run the 1/2 marathon for Charity, for Sands. I don't know how I will go, that is why it is a secret agenda. But I am telling you.

I jog very very slow, you walk faster than I jog. 7 years ago, i hardly ran, but together with my girl friend, we did the 10 kilometer in 4 months. Now I have about 10 momths.

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