Friday, February 3, 2012


Meet the new chair we just bought for our office room, I love it! You can see what a tight space we have here, we needed a smaller chair with no arms. We got it at one of my favorite stores, Pier 1. On the way out the door, I spotted it. But it was the teensiest bit pricey. Then I SAW it -  the STAIN!! There was a fairly large spot right on the seat. This made me very happy, because I could bargain for money off. And really the stain is hard to see unless you know it's there. Can you see it? Would you have seen it if I hadn't told you? I ended up getting a hefty discount, and we took the chair with us. I don't think I will even try to clean it. Imagine my surprise when I went visiting my friend Shug's blog, My Steps Of Faith today, and SHE was posting about looking for the same kind of chair at Pier 1! She even was showing pictures so we could help her choose! I can't wait to see which chair she gets, and hopefully it will be spotless.

“…knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ. For He was foreknown before the foundation of the world, but has appeared in these last times for the sake of you who through Him are believers in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.”
 1 Peter 1


SquirrelQueen said...

Ginny, that is a beautiful chair. I love the design and the fabric. I would never have noticed the stain if you hadn't mentioned it, in fact I had to look really hard to see it even after you did. I'm glad you got a bargain!

BlueShell said...

That is a lovely chair: I think I have a place for it in my bedroom...LOL

Very nice, indeed. Gog Bless you both, my dear!

DawnTreader said...

Now you mention it I think I see it in the last photo but only because you made me look for it! Nice chair; although I prefer mine with arms.

Ann said...

That's a nice chair and it fits that spot perfectly. I could deal with a little stain in exchange for a hefty discount.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Beautiful chair! I had a similar one in my office when I worked juvenile probation - I had found it on the abandoned 3rd floor of my building. It was a peach color with white pattern, and sat low exactly like that one. I loved it :-)

Alice said...

Great eye! I should look out for bargains like that.

FilipBlog said...

If you were sure to get the stain out you had a great opportunity. A good negotiater.


Ruth Hiebert said...

The chair looks great.No,I would not have noticed the stain if you had not mentioned it.

Anonymous said...

The chair looks made for your little space there. You hardly see the stain, only saw it because you mentioned it. Great buy! Have a great weekend!


Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

That is the perfect spot for that chair and good that you got them to come down on the price. Seems you are good at that, I tried it once with a slightly damaged goods and they would not listen. I needed you with me.

Fred Alton said...

No, Ginny! I definitely would not have noticed the stain if you had not mentioned it. I'm glad that Jesus blood cleanses us from every stain of sin so that even the trained eye deliberately looking for it cannot see any trace of sin. You are like my Frances on the shopping - if there is a way to get the item at a reduced price she will find it! ☺

Karin said...

No sooner does one bring a new spotless chair home, then someone spills something on it anyways, right?! I have no doubt it will come out, but it is better to try it when the stain is fresh. A good little steamer should do the trick! It looks great - enjoy!

RoeH said...

They'd better have given you a hefty discount. I'd have somebody in and give it a good cleaning.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Nice chair, nice post, nice Scripture verse! Have a wonderful day and enjoy that chair!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

would never have noticed the stain, had to look just like everyone else. i went over and voted on the chairs on the other blog. i voted for beauty the first chair for comfy sitting and beauty the second, the one like yours. i spent many happy hours in Pier 1. when i was working, it was 3 minutes from where i worked and my friend and i would go at least once a week and wander through on our lunch break. never bought much because of the prices but they have beautiful things there. now i don't go because we are on very limited funds since we retired and also i am taking things out of the house not putting in unless i get rid of something and replace it. i do most of my chair shopping at Bob's Bargains a used furniture store that i love. i should do a blog on the last 2 chairs i bought there.

Annie Jeffries said...

That chair looks so comfortable. I like that it has no arms. Krista recently got a new chair and ottoman and was stoked over it for at least a week. There is just something about chairs . . .

Tracy said...

That is a wonderful chair...and no, unless I didn't know the stain was there, I wouldn't have tuned into it.

George said...

I'm glad you were able to get a bargain on this chair. It's very nice, and I wouldn't have noticed the stain if you hadn't said something. Have a great weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

strange things are going on, hope you get your computer back soon. can't you do email on your IPAD?

Stephanie V said...

Bargains are always very nice to get...especially when you find something you really don't want to leave behind.

LV said...

I can see the stain, but I am like you, I would leave it alone. It could be worse if you put something else on it.

Anonymous said...

What a great chair for the office, Ginny! I would not have even noticed the stain.

Anonymous said...

Ginny, don'tcha' just love those kind of bargains....I had that kind of weekend last weekend...girl I never even got out of the house today...I relaxed all day ...

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You have a beautiful chair...nice when you find what you want and it fits

S. Etole said...

I would not have noticed! What a great find.

Marie said...

Ginny, that is a beautiful chair! I love the colors and it looks so comfortable! I love the fact that you bargain like you do. :) I really like Pier 1, such pretty unique items. You have the perfect spot for that chair...enjoy!

Shug said...

Hi Ginny....thanks for linking! Your chair is so nice and NO, I would have never ever noticed the stain. good for you to get a bargain price...I think I am going with chair #2...the paisley one.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Love the chair Ginny and love the sore Pier 1. Enjoy it.

LC said...

Charming chair and I had to really search for the stain. Kudos for powers of observation AND savvy bargaining!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Nice to have your own little office. Our "office" is spread all over our house.

My dad used tio say there are carzies, and we are them. We do all sorts of adventurous things.

Terra said...

You are a woman after my own heart, I loves me a bargain also, and beautiful things.

Chatty Crone said...

I think it is a gorgeous chair too and I didn't notice a thing! sandie

Rose said...

I am glad you got your chair at a price you could afford!!!

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