Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Front Porch Gossip

Are you ready to sit for a spell on the porch and gossip? I know I am! But what shall we gossip about? How about these very porches that we are sitting on today? I could not believe my header picture when I first saw it, a full size pink piano on someone's front porch! And that's just the start of things. People around here really like to put...well...unusual things on their porches. I didn't even have to hunt to find these photos. You'll see in one photo, they have their breakfast trays out complete with coffee percolator and juicer! I guess they make their breaakfast on the porch. Around here, it runs the gamut from cute to complete chaos! Oh, and before I go, let's not mention to my neighbors that I was gossiping about them, it is so unbecoming!

“The gossip of bad people gets them in trouble; the conversation of good people keeps them out of it.”
Proverbs 12:13


Joanne said...

I have always wanted a porch. I do have a patio out back where I like to sit especially in the spring. I am always in awe of what some people will put on their porch! Cool picture and don't worry I won't tell ;0)
Blessings, Joanne

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

I am probably awful but as a very neat person, I find this messy. My hubby has an Aunt and she has a lot outside and in the garden, but it is very loving and quite artistic the way she has arranged it. I feel that some people just have stuff every where. A friend once said to me, "how much can you use at once." This cured me from having too many clothes. We can't take it with us when we go.
The positive is, we are all different and unique and God loves us as we are.

SquirrelQueen said...

Your neighbors won't hear it from me.
That is quite an assortment of stuff on those porches but the pink piano has got to be the strangest. I just can't imagine having that much stuff on the front porch, I would be afraid someone would trip over something.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I grew up with no TV, after dinner, Grandpa sat at the balcony, and we sat with him listening to all sorts of stores, including gossips.

Reanaclaire said...

If I put these on my porch, either my dog Labbie will have a good feast on them or they would be stolen the next day! LOL... Interesting post, Ginny..

Anonymous said...

Love the porches, Ginny! I have to say, I've never seen a pink piano - especially on the front porch!!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

LOL, Ginny, love the title of this post! We have a few toys on our porch - the boys like to go out there to play.

Alice said...

I like the fourth one down, it looks very homey, complete with drying clothes:)

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I love porches.....and walking down the street and meeting all kinds of people sitting out on them. It's a nice feel. Have a great Thursday Ginny.

Arti said...

Wonderful porches. Loved the range of pics, they do put various things there!! Here in Mumbai there are just apartments, big buildings!!
I love these pics, so colorful.
I would love to sit with you and gossip on one of them.
Have a nice day Ginny:)

Anonymous said...

Oh I am ready to sit on the front porch and talk Jesus with you all day long! Talk glass of lemon water, feet propped up, Bible in hand and hankie for I know surely there will be tears of joy flowing once we begin to share the goodness of the Lord with one let me how can I arrive the quickest to your front porch! Have a blessed Thursday

Tanna said...

Now, those are some very interesting porches, Ginny! blessings ~ Tanna

Unknown said...

What a fun post, I don't know how you always come up with something so creative and yet so relevant! Thanks Ginny for always being an inspiration!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the top of my bucket list is now you and me sitting on that porch in the rockers behind the coffee tray. i would sooo love to gossip with you or talk or sing or moan or do the sky is falling with you. these porches amaze me, i actually went through them twice, to check out all the STUFF. we don't have porches on most of the houses here, just tiny ones to get to the door. there is one house with stacks of paint buckets on theirs. this is really cool. you done good. i agree with Crystal M, the clutter of the porches would make me crazy, but they make a most interesting post. i would love to have a porch like my grandmothers that was on 3 sides of the house. she had rockers and a swing and i spent many happy hours with a pillow under my head in the swing, one foot touching down to shove off while i read my book.

Stephanie V said...

OK...I love that pink piano. Bet you knew I would :) Not sure where we'd sit on some of those porches but maybe they don't have enough storage in the house. I know how that is. Good thing I have a garage ;0

Wouldn't it be fun to really have a sit and a chat?

Lynn said...

Ginny, I thought you were showing us "garage sales" from the porches! Sorry, but I have never seen porches quite like this and the pink piano, with your winter how can one put a piano outside like that? I love the porches per se, and yes I have a side porch that has white wicker and love my porch but these look like "garage sale" porches to me. As Crystal Mary said above, we are all unique and different and He loves us all. Thank you for the lovely compliment on my home decor for Valentine's day. Hard as I try, my home is always romantic looking and luckily loving hubby loves it because it is a reflection of me. Blessings.

S. Etole said...

These just make me smile. And a pink piano! Wow!

George said...

I don't think I've ever seen such an interesting assortment of porch decorations. But they do give us plenty of things to talk about.

Marie said...

These are all very interesting porches! Most look like they're getting ready for a yard sale. I don't believe I've ever seen a pink piano, I know I've never seen one on someone's front porch! My grandma in NC had a big front porch with a swing and that was one of my favorite spots.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I suspect that this trait of having one's life out on the porch is mainly a Southern cultural thing. At least I had not seen much of it in California where I used to live. Now, when I used to live in TX, yes. Same here in TN. Ha! Have a wonderful day. Happy Groundhog Day to you and your family!

Becky Jane said...

A front porch says a lot about who resides inside! Even a porch cluttered with toys and bikes says that there is LIFE going on behind the front door! These pictures are great!

Chatty Crone said...

Where do you live - I want to come and visit. How cool is that? I love it. sandie

FilipBlog said...

Very creative title. A lot of chaos on the porches.


DawnTreader said...

What a lot of STUFF!
Very observant you are...! ;)

Ruth Hiebert said...

I'm smiling. Some of those front porches,I am happy to not have next door.

Fred Alton said...

Great subject, Ginny! If I had my choice, it would be a wrap-around porch type home. Our front porch is too small for even a couple of rocking chairs. We do have a patio out the back door where we have a table and four chairs with a fire-box in the middle where we can sit in the evenings and roast marshmallows. I love the fresh air. And the wood smoke. And of course the sweets with coffee.

Ann said...

I've always wanted a great big front porch to sit on and maybe partake in a little gossip :)
Some of those are pretty cluttered I really like the one with the rocking chair and that heart shaped wreath hanging on the side of the house

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love porches! But maybe not cluttered ones. I don't have a porch, but I love to sit on the patio out back.

LV said...

I have great memories of my grandparents sitting on the porch rocking and dipping snuff. You did a nice job.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

GADS.... We have that kind of trash on porches around Tennessee. I don't mind the porch with chairs and wind chimes. It looks like a neat porch which people obviously enjoy.

It's all of the other crap that just drives me crazy. My thought: Even if you don't have much, just keep it clean and neat!!!!!!

Porches in general can be a great gathering place where people can sit and chat... We don't have a front porch but we certainly enjoy sitting on our deck...


Bobbie said...

haha... This is great! A few of these porches look like they're ready for a porch sale.
But that piano.. that beat all!! Unbelievable! Now DO TELL us all you know... mums the word!

Annie Jeffries said...

Crazy, kitchy, chaos. Friendly and inviting. Jeeze, my porch is so boring.

Sorry I missed seeing that pink piano. Was that on your header yesterday?

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