Thursday, February 16, 2012


Aren't these cool looking cars?? Notice that the first five car pictures are of a three wheeled car! Meet The Morgans, all made in England. One day we happened to be in town when the Morgan Car Convention was visiting, so we stopped by and I took some pictures. The Morgan Motor Company was founded in 1909 and has been run by Morgan family members ever since. The cars cost between $44,000 and $300,000, and the wait for one is at least a year. This is because each one is made by hand. They make about 600 a year, and they only have about 163 employees. Oh, and one other thing. The shell is metal, but most of the rest of the car is all made from wood! There were wooden vehicles in bible times, too.

“So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.”
Genesis 6:14

“King Solomon made for himself the carriage; he made it of wood from Lebanon.”
Song Of Solomon 3:9


From the Kitchen said...

I'd like the $300,000 red one please. Only the best for moi!! As I recall, I ran into a (the) ark very near you a few years back.


BlueShell said...

spectacular!!! I've never seen such nice cars ...
Thank you for sharing, dear!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic looking cars!!

Tanna said...

Oh, my! What interesting looking little cars! Priced a bit out of my league though! blessings ~ tanna

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love that first one - I have never seen anything like it!

Hootin Anni said...

Yes, yes....they ARE cool cars. Being a sister to three older brothers, I've always had a fascination with cars. Go figure. LOL

and, in regards to the bulb grown flowers where I live...ALL of Texas is not like here. Remember from the Gulf Coast, where we are in the sub-tropics, there are over 600 miles to the North panhandle of Texas where they DO get snow and freezes in winter. Here, it rarely gets below 40 for winter. Just a few days. The rest of the time, it's usually 50 for winter overnight lows and 90 to 100 in the summertime highs.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are way cool, I have seen one like the red one, but not the three wheeled one. what a neat place to carry the extra tire. i love cars like this, they have "personality" and don't all look the same. send me the red or the blue, i like both. and put that on my tab please.

Sharon said...

Favorite thing to do first thing in the morning... drool!


Neal said...

Those are cool. I sure would like to get behind the wheel on those. :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

They are amazing.I'm surprised you were able to get your husband out of there :-). They have a real vintage look about them,but then so do I. I'd look perfect at the wheel. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Reena said...

Love your bright yellow site today! Spring!

Joanne said...

You always find the coolest things! I love that red one!
Blessings, Joanne

FilipBlog said...

They look fantastic but would you ever buy one. I once considered buying an exclusive second hand sports car but when I discovered that a maintenance service would cost me about 6.000 euro, I had to come back with me two feet to the ground.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I love British sports cars. I had a friend who owned a Morgan and my husband had an MGB-GT a long time ago (sold it when we married). Fantastic pictures of the cars. Have a great weekend!

barbara l. hale said...

Whoa! Those are some cool cars, indeed! My husband would have enjoyed seeing those.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, did you order a Morgan????? They are so pretty ---but a little too 'cheap' for my taste... Har har har.....

How's the new computer? Got everything back in order now???


Betsy Banks Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DawnTreader said...

I thought you'd got a new car ... LOL They're wonderful, I really know nothing about cars but I like looking at the old ones!

Becky Jane said...

If wood was good enough for Noah, I guess it's good enough for me...LOL

I'll take the red one!

Anonymous said...

Love these old cars, they're so cool!
Have a great weekend!


George said...

I didn't realize that Morgans were made using wood as well as metal. I knew they were each hand-made and quite rare. I would love to see one in person.

Unknown said...

Wow! Nice post! My husband will want to read this.Thanks for sharing Joann

Fred Alton said...

What wonderful things you find and can then relate to Scriptures. I just love the looks of these cars, but don't plan to buy one anytime soon. ☺

Ann said...

Very cool cars. Maybe if I save up I can get one (in my dreams)

Arti said...

These are just so beautiful. But way too costly for me.
Loved the pics though. Have a wonderful weekend Ginny

photowannabe said...

Fascinating 3 wheeled car, how interesting that wood is included in their making.
I enjoyed how you wove the scripture into the story.

Chatty Crone said...

Okay how much is that first one - the yellow one - that is so beautiful! Think I'll take two! sandie

Shug said...

Oh hubby would love these cars...
I hope you will forgive me! I had your SB card ready to mail, and I left in such a big hurry yesterday afternoon, so I forgot to run it through the OUT mail box...Will do this first thing Monday Morning...
Have a great weekend..

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Yalza, those cars are awesome!

Unknown said...

Cool pictures and great way to relate the Scripture! I'm in England right now but haven't seen any of these cool cars for sure!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I've never seen anything like these. Thank you so much for stopping to take photos and share them with us!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Hi Ginny, because fritters are made from spooned batter that is dropped into hot oil they usually take a rough round or oval shape. You asked about the word calas - the word was first printed in 1880, and comes from one or more African languages, such as the Nupe word kárá, or "fried cake." I hope your new computer will be soon be ready for you to use. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Serena Bakes Simply From Scratch said...

Nice cars! I look forward to looking around your blog and reading more! Have a blessed week!

Annie Jeffries said...

Delicious cars. Nice to know there is an auto family still doing it right. And that the wood is still being used.

Rose said...

I would be happy with any of looking at old cars.

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