Sunday, January 20, 2013


On Thursday, we were supposed to get between 4 and 8 inches of snow. But we only got a dusting, followed by what seemed to be a bit of fog. Just enough to look pretty then melt in the sun the next day. I did not feel like taking my slippers off and getting my coat on, so I opened the door and took these pictures in the fading light. Even though the icy cold air blew into the house, Sunny was very curious and managed to escape wander outside twice. No slippers or shoes for him, that evening snow came into the house on tiny cat's paws.

In my next post, you will see the shocking thing the cats saw when they were looking at the snow. It almost made them jump out of their skin.They showed us something very surprising!

My header is a kaleidoscope effect of the snowy trees.

“No one can escape the weather—it’s there. And no one can escape from God. Wild animals take shelter, crawling into their dens, when blizzards roar out of the north and freezing rain crusts the land. It’s God’s breath that forms the ice, it’s God’s breath that turns lakes and rivers solid…”
 Job 37


Reanaclaire said...

Very cold...grrrrr... can feel the cold air in my office now after reading this.. LOL...

SquirrelQueen said...

Your snowy views are so pretty Ginny. We have had the fog but very little snow. Sunny looks really curious about that white stuff. Can't wait to see what the cats found shocking.

I love your header!

Tell Sunny and Cher that Georgia and Adam are almost ready for their second cube too.

Anonymous said...

Lovely header photo, Ginny. We don't see snow here so pictures of snow in any form are a delight to see. I don't think I've seen a light-dusting-of-snow pictures. So glad you posted...

Anonymous said...

Very pretty pictures. I love to see cats' expressions when they see/feel snow!

Linda said...

How pretty, Ginny! I absolutely love your photos!

RoeH said...

Beautiful! And, of course, love the cat.

From the Kitchen said...

Love the snow! Still none for us. Oliver is happy.


Alice said...

Is that rosemary in the first picture?

Arti said...

So very kind of you to brave the chilly winds for getting the clicks! And sunny is such a perfect name in that sort of weather!! Waiting eagerly for the next post now. Have a wonderful day Ginny :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

We got about 5 inches here. The boys had fun sledding.

Unknown said...

Nice snowy pictures :) The cat seems to be very interested...Enjoy your week!

Melanie said...

The snow is so pretty, Ginny. The pictures are beautiful. I hope we'll get some snow soon. It was in our forecast on Thursday, but it didn't get cold enough here...just rain. :(
The kitties are so cute. I'm sure they had fun out exploring.
Our dog, Lilly, loves the snow! She'll get out and plow through it with her nose and roll around in it...such a funny dog.

DawnTreader said...

What a cliffhanger ;)

George said...

You got more snow than we did -- Betsy was so disappointed. You got some pretty pictures looking out your door.

Redecórate con Lola Godoy said...

Hello, thank you very much for your kindness. I'm from Andalucia. Spain but I live seasons in Italy because my partner is Italian. Your photos are very beautiful. Kisses.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You snapped some pretty photos from your door, Ginny! Can't wait to hear what the cats saw. Do they ever try to slip out the door?

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Ahh...a to be continued post...:)JP

Ruth Hiebert said...

I like the kind of snow you picture.Just enough to make it look like winter.

LC said...

Nice snow pix, and I wouldn't have guessed you took them fronm your doorway. And I liked your including the curious kitty!

Ann said...

Well you know how much I'm not enjoying my cold and snowy weather here but your shots are absolutely gorgeous. I don't blame you for not wanting to get out of the slippers.

momto8 said...

how did you find that verse?! I admire your love of the Bible!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That's a pretty snow.. We haven't gotten anywhere near that much this year... I love the Freezing Fog... The TV weatherman talked about it being around Knoxville also...

Those really are nice snows --since they are gone the next day or so --and don't cause any problems...

Beautiful photos.

Rose said...

Beautiful shots, Ginny!

Marie said...

Pretty photos! I wish we had some snow for our fur babies. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny - you sure do have a lot of snow there and I must say it looks very beautiful - as long as it's at your house and not mine.

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny - you sure do have a lot of snow there and I must say it looks very beautiful - as long as it's at your house and not mine.

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