Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Bracelet That Wasn't

Awhile ago, when I was shopping with my granddaughter Anne, she asked me to buy her this bracelet making kit. I thought the bracelets were kind of strange looking, but bought it anyway. When we got in the car, she couldn't wait to open it, and did so right away.
The next think I knew, she started to take the bracelets apart. Her hands flew so fast that I couldn't even follow what she was doing. And viola!!! She had made cats out of all the bracelets!!! Without reading any instructions or anything. I was amazed!!! And I must say they are just the cat's pajamas!

“The right word at the right time is like a custom-made piece of jewelry.”
Proverbs 25


Joanne said...

What an imagination! She is so creative
Blessings, Joanne

SquirrelQueen said...

Those bracelets are so cute. Since I don't have any little ones around I haven't seen those before. Anne is beautiful and she is growing up fast.

BlueShell said...

So nice...Lovely!
have a blessed Sunday!

DawnTreader said...

Creative toy, and creative girl :)

Hootin Anni said... I WANT this kit. It looks like super fun. But I know I'd have to read the directions...y'know?...bracelet making for dummies. Ya, that kinda direction.

She's such a doll Ginny.

Neal said...

So cute...

To answer your questions... I saw a comment from you on another blog so I looked to see if you were back. Yep, that is a bridge in that picture.

Anonymous said...

She's very creative and smart and this is a lovely photo of Anne!

Redecórate con Lola Godoy said...

Thanks for your nice comments, I have art studies but I do not sell my work because it's a hobby, I work in orthopedics but my dream would be to create my brand and sell my products but is a dream. Kisses

Melanie said...

Oh, they're so cute! She did a great job making them! She is really growing...sweet picture of her. :-)

Reanaclaire said...

Oh Ginny...she is so smart.. I don't think I can even do that even with instructions.. hahaha...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are adorable as is she, and wow, she is talented and gifted, you have an artist in your family... love the cats

From the Kitchen said...

Amazing! I don't think I could have even made the bracelets!


RoeH said...

For some reason this reminded me of the old Pop Beads of the middle 50's. I had some and my grandmother was visiting once. I had the beads on and in front of her I said "Watch" and I pulled the beads apart looking like I had just purposely broken them. She did a GAAASP and told me I shouldn't do that. Or something. I still remember her face as I "broke" that necklace.

S. Etole said...

What a delight you both are.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Such a smart little girl... Kids can run rings around us adults, can't they? Anne is SO creative!!!!!

Happy Sunday to you.

Unknown said...

Hi Ginny! What a darling girl! And quite talented too! :) Your Scripture is right on!

Annie Jeffries said...

Smart and creative and sweet and adorable all in one package. What more could a grandma ask for?

Filip and Kristel said...

Children can do things adults will never comprehend. A good example is a child of 4 that handles an Ipad better than an adult go is learning it for already half a year.


Lady Jane said...

Gosh -she- is the Cat's Pajama's!!! She is so sweet and cute. Dont they make the most remarkable toys for kids today! I look back at what I used to get for gifts and they have come a long way baby!!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Your granddaughter and mine would get along really well.Give them some crafty stuff and let them be.

George said...

You have a very talented granddaughter, but I suspect you already know that.

LC said...

Whoa! This grandma is impressed. And I loved your last photo of that sweet face.

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny - don't you know kids are so much smarter and faster then we are? lol. She is beautiful.

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