Wednesday, January 30, 2013


“It is an unfortunate human failing that a full pocketbook often groans more loudly than an empty stomach.”
 ~Franklin Delano Roosevelt 

What is your passion? Today I am talking specifically about materialistic passions. What do you love or collect that makes your day worthwhile? That you can't stay away from or get enough of.  Beside photography, mine is purses. I have been buying them for many years. Going into a store with a large purse department and looking and smelling the leather and vinyl will make me so heady I get faint. So I now have several drawers of purses that I have bought or friends have given me. But now many are not big enough or do not match anything. Because of this, today is my second purse giveaway. This one is a navy Vera Bradly in like new condition. It is small...10"x7". There are two stipulations to winning. You must be signed up as my blog follower, and you must leave a comment between now and Sunday at midnight. Tell me what your passion is and if you want this purse or not. The winner must provide me with her address within two days or I will draw again. I will announce the winner at the bottom of my Monday post. Good luck!

“Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.’ This is the most important, the first on any list.”
Matthew 23


Annie Jeffries said...

That is a cute purse and cotton is always a good thing. Add my name to the pool, Ginny, and thanks.

I collect Mary's. I added to my collection yesterday when I found another one in a little collectibles shop tucked so far back into a corner, the owner of the shop even missed that she was there. Luck me brought her home.

SquirrelQueen said...

We share the same passion Ginny, I love purses. Like you I can't help myself when I see a large display of purses especially if they are on sale. Count me in on this one, it is cute.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I don't carry a purse, I have one black one that is for when I wear something that doesn't have pockets which is very rare. so no name in the pot for me.
i have no passion for collecting. my number one passion is reading, a close second is photography. i have a few glass animals, but do not want more or even the ones i have. they just sit on the glass shelf and get dusty.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

My passion is books. I am a sucker for books!

You can count me out of the giveaway - I have a Patagonia purse that I love very much and it's really all I carry, so it would be wasted on me. I would love someone who is organized enough to purse swap to get it!

Remington said...

Beth here....I would say for me it is books and yarn....can't seem to get enough of either....ha ha! Very nice purse! Remington said his is FOOTBALLS! Big surprise there....

Reanaclaire said...

Hello Ginny! Another giveaway? So nice of you.. nowadays my passion is on shoes and handbags... love this one too.. very nice blue..

Hootin Anni said...

Oh it's pretty Ginny. I used to LOVE having all kinds of neat purses. But thing is, I don't carry a purse any more 'cause of the size of the city I live in...actually, ever since we lived in Tucson and I was buying gas for the car, carrying a purse over my shoulder as I pumped the gas into the car, and someone wanted my money!!! From that moment on, I stopped carrying purses. So, I wish luck to all those that want to win your giveaway.

RedecΓ³rate con Lola Godoy said...

My passion is design and illustration. The bag is very nice. The answer to your question is, my blog was opened four months ago and yes, I've designed my blog header. Hugs and Kisses.

CalamityJr said...

What a lovely bag you're sharing! As a cross stitcher, I seem to never have enough patterns or threads. Of course, if I'm to stitch them all, then I'm guaranteed to live to a hundred and two, haha. Maybe I need to start sharing patterns... Thank you for the chance to carry your gift.

Rose said...

Funny you should ask what my material passion is--it is that. Material. I would love to just once spend all I wanted on material...that being said, I have enough to start a quilt shop myself. that I have bought over the years.

I love purses, too, but don't want to be entered. I can't carry one too much or it throws my neck out...makes it so stiff I cannot stand it.

Ann said...

Oh my passion would have to be any kind of craft supply. I tend to buy stuff just because I like it not necessarily because I need it at the time. I'm almost obsessive compulsive about

DawnTreader said...

I'm not really a collector, I do love books and like to have my favourite films and TV-series on DVD; and I have to confess to a certain weakness for bags and purses as well... But nowadays I'm more practical about it, and don't buy them just because they're pretty or on sale ;) Just now I have the purses I need so better NOT put my name in the pot. ♥

Ruth Hiebert said...

This purse is cute and yes,I would be pleased to call it mine. I have collected many things over the years,but right now my main focus is photography,and perhaps a very close second is Southern Gospel music.The two might even be reversed at times.

Chatty Crone said...

Let's see I am a follower and I would love the purse.

My passion - believe it or not - is buying things to make cards. Now the funny thing is I have a ton of stuff - I just need to do it. I blog instead....but I love craft items.

LC said...

Yes, please put my name in the pot.

Hmmm . . . materialistic passions. Reading, but I rarely buy books except for kindle and most of those are free ones.

Blogging, and I just plunked down a bundle for repairing laptop so I can feed my blogging addiction. Another would be travel to visit grands. Oh yes, I have to add Hershey's dark chocolate.

S. Etole said...

I suppose photography is my current passion. Would love to be a part of your drawing.

Linda said...

What a lovely purse. I usually don't carry a purse, I prefer to use deep pockets.

Marie said...

I love books, bags/purses and shoes! I have too many I buy them used at times and sell many on ebay, but I end up keeping many. :) My favorite is my Coach bag. Since I already have too many I will pass on the giveaway of your lovely Vera. Maybe I should do a giveaway. :)
Happy Days to you!

Andrea said...

I didn't sign up for Google Friends Connect so I can't follow you but I have had your blog listed in the sidebar on my blog for quite awhile. I don't need another purse but wanted to tell you how pretty that was is!!

My passion is books. I love them... the feel, their weight in my hands, turning the pages. I could never go to a Kindle or Nook or whatever... I have to have my actual book in my hands. :-)

Happy Weekend!!


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I dont think I have a passion...but I do love old photographs...they are neat to see how it was back in the day

George said...

I guess my passions are photography and books. I love to read and have many books in my library.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, I never use a purse anymore... When we travel I keep my 'stuff' in a big bag --where I can carry lots of other things too...SO--purses are not a passion for me. I really can't think of anything in the way of clothes --other than t-shirts when we travel which I have a passion for...

Guess my passions all lie in nature. Seeing a sunset or sunrise or rainbow or waterfall are things I love with a passion....

Cute post and cute purse.


Joanne said...

Hi Ginny! Vera Bradley makes such nice things. For Christmas my Daughter wanted a VB backpack and they were having a sale and I got the pack for her and a huge bag...she was thrilled! I collect castles, but since we are a butterfinger family most of them have been broken :0(
Have a great weekend!
Blessings, Joanne

P.S. Even though the purse is gorgeous I am going to back out of the givaway...I have way too many purses!

Gina Gao said...

This is a really cute purse!

Melanie said...

What a sweet purse, Ginny...just my style too! I'd love to have a chance to win it! Passions...books and music! :)

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