Monday, January 21, 2013

The Return

When our cats were watching the snow, what HAD they seen that was so amazing? Robins! There were a flock of them bathing in our driveway puddle.You see, here, the robins migrate for the winter and do not return until spring. Now we are a month into winter and it is freezing cold, and the robins have returned!! And way too soon...what will become of them when it is to be 17 degrees tonight? They are not cold weather birds. And though I am always so happy to see the robins yearly return, I feel bad for them this time and hope their early return does not cost them their lives.

I have swept away your offenses like a cloud,
your sins like the morning mist.
Return to me,
for I have redeemed you.”
Isaiah 44:22


Linda said...

What a lovely post, Ginny! I also love your photos and header. Thank you so much for sharing.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh wow, it's like kitty television. It does seem strange to see Robins so early. Maybe they know something we don't and Spring is on the way. Or maybe their alarm clock was set wrong. LOL!
Your header photo is so cute Ginny.

Remington said...

Awesome post! That last pic is amazing!

Marie said...

They're so cute when they're bathing! This is fabulous entertainment for any kitty! :)

Reanaclaire said...

What an awesome sight from the window... love these pictures, Ginny...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it has been so warm down here, and other places in the south, they might think it is spring... love the kitty kats watching out the door dreaming of bird dinners... and the splishing and splashing is so sweet.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

It's really cold here today, too. But last week we had temps reach 60 and I'm sure that's confusing to the poor birds.
Love your shots, Ginny. I would never guessed they were looking at robins!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh dear. I hope that they will be okay! Love the pics!

P.S. - We don't tag names of the pics of the kids I take at the preschool for security reasons - just put the pics up.

DawnTreader said...

Well it seems at least one of the cats was more interested in your camera than in the birds... I had to look up your robins, learned that American robins are not very closely related to the European ones at all.

Ann said...

Love the picture of the robin bathing in the puddle.
That is early for them to return. Hope they make it through the cold.

Rose said...

I can't wait to see them again. What is even more odd, I usually see robins all winter long at Sarah's. And she doesn't live any farther south than we do...or if she does it is only a few miles. It just amazed me.

momto8 said...

oh my gosh! we won't see robins till spring! and it's not spring's 11 degrees!

Karin said...

Now I am a little worried about your robins! Like you, I love to see them return, BUT not this early in the season! They really need to check the calendar and not take such chances - but our heavenly Father knows what they need and will take care of them! You took great shots of them!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I do hope they will be ok. We have had a robin around very early in the past,but I don't know if he survived.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Poor lil Robins... We have them here year round ---and they will come to the bird feeders in the winter...

Great photos of the little guys!!!!!

Hootin Anni said...

Wow...this is amazing!!! I have a birding photo blog [link on my sidebar] and if you'd care to join on Saturday, this post would be a great addition to the links!!

[saturday at 12NOON CST]

Chatty Crone said...

I agree with you Ginny. The robins came too soon and the plants are blooming too soon. It's getting just too cold at night now. I hope they are safe. What a mixed up weather system we're having.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your photos are wonderful, Ginny. Your cats are really handsome creatures. I, too, hope the robins will be O.K. Have a good day, my friend. Blessings...Mary

Unknown said...

Love your cat photos but love that Scripture even more Ginny! God is so amazingly good, isn't He?

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