Sunday, January 6, 2013

Popping The Pig At Christmas

Good morning, Humans!!! I have taken over mom's blog today to report on our most exciting day since we came to live here! Yesterday, the Great Day Of Crinkly Paper happened, and it was amazing! I have never seen humans get as excited as cats about playing with paper! They all sat around one room and tore paper and laughed and laughed!!! The little one sat on the floor with me and we both crinkled paper. Us three cats were so excited and dumbfounded that we almost threw up huge hairballs! Then we all went to the kitchen table and played this pig game where you feed the pig muffins till his tunny gets too big and his pants pop. They let me play too, see me at the table? I did not like this pig because he was getting way too much undue attention. He could make himself more useful if he would sniff out some truffles for us. But at least he did not play with our paper. For some reason, our daddy put all the paper in a huge bag and got RID of it!!!! What a horrible ending to a great day, now we have to wait a whole year for more. MEOW!!!
P.S. from Ginny- Our Christmas celebration was delayed till now because of illness in the family.

 “The One that God sent speaks God’s words. And don’t think he rations out the Spirit in bits and pieces. The Father loves the Son extravagantly. He turned everything over to him so he could give it away—a lavish distribution of gifts. That is why whoever accepts and trusts the Son gets in on everything, life complete and forever! ”
John 3


Reanaclaire said...

Hello Meoww... Ginny, you are really funny! Beautiful photos here again.. your granddaughter is becoming sweeter each day! :)

SquirrelQueen said...

It looks like your Christmas was a lot of fun for both humans and kitties. Too bad the piggy couldn't find any truffles but maybe he could tell you where to find some ham. MOL!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh cute! Looks like fun. I misread your title at first and thought it said Pooping the Pig, LOL!

Shug said...

I've seen that pig before...lots of fun. your header with the close up shot of the pig is adorable...
you are so talented at these unique shots...
Have a great day...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

MOL LOL BOL love this post and that is one cute pig, when your blog opened i thought you were doing a post on ME... as in ate so much i almost popped this pig... cute game and what fun... glad everyone is well enough to celebrate together.

LV said...

It never matters when you have a family celebration. Just be thankful you were all able to be together and doing better.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Looks like you all had a fun time.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Glad you finally got to celebrate Christmas with the family... Looks like you ALL --including the cats and even the fat pig, had a great time.... Such entertainment!!!!


Chatty Crone said...

I have to admit that the pig and I have a similar problem - but I started a diet today! So hopefully I won't be the same as him for much longer.

George said...

I'm sorry your Christmas celebration had to be delayed, but it looks and sounds as if everyone had a lot of fun -- even the cats.

Lady Jane said...

Great photos Ginny. Cant get over how grownup AnneMarie is getting. She is a very pretty little girl. I love the cat!!! I used to have a siamese named Butch of all things. He was always into mischief... Hugs LJ

Filip and Kristel said...

Happy delayed Christmas. Nice pictures of your granddaughter.


Linda said...

How delightful, Ginny! Love these photos, thank you so much for sharing your Christmas with us.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Happy that you got to have so much fun now that everyone is feeling better!...:)JP

Ann said...

I think we should petition for more crinkly paper days :) Looks like you had fun. That looks like a really cute game with the pig

LC said...

A fine feline report. Happy that your Christmas celebration was happy, even if delayed.

Unknown said...

You are so funny Ginny! I might have to look for one of these pigs for my son, he loves pigs! And it sounds like it provided so much fun too!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and fun photos, Ginny.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Sounds like you all had a fun time, even the kitties. Fun photos, too!

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