Wednesday, January 9, 2013

They're Creepy And They're Kooky...

They're creepy and they're kooky,
Mysterious and spooky,
They're all together ooky,
The Addams Family.

Their house is a museum
Where people come to see 'em
They really are a scream
The Addams Family.

So get a witches shawl on
A broomstick you can crawl on
We're gonna pay a call on
The Addams Family.
By Vic Mizzy

How many of you remember "The Addams Family", and have seen it on T.V.? Well, welcome to the REAL Addams family! And it is not on a Hollywood set, or in a spooky forest. Oh no, my is RIGHT HERE!! That's right, this house is on the end of our block, about four houses down the street! As you can see, they have a guillotine, an electric chair, several axes and saws. All homemade. All beside the little kids pool and outdoor play trucks and toys. Yes, this family has small children!!! The bloodmobile here is their van, and as we leave we will peek in the window and see some sort of weird creature reposing there. The van is driven and there are signs of life, but I have never seen a single person there so far. Several people have told me I should report them to the police, but I have no proof that they are harming their children, and I doubt they would be in trouble just for a lifestyle. What would YOU do? 

“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.”
Philippians 4:8


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

That electric chair is spooky.

SquirrelQueen said...

The Adams Family was one of my favorite shows.

I know a family in Oregon that throws a huge Halloween bash every year. Their yard is filled with all sorts of ghoulish things like this. Maybe that's what these folks do. Gotta love a house with a guillotine.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Yikes! That's as scary as my "BAD" neighbors when we lived in VA! I'd be unsettled to say the least although it may just be for them to draw attention...:)JP

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

LOL, love the Bloodmobile. I used to watch Adaams Family as a kid.

Remington said...

I don't think I would want neighbors like that....scary....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my son has things like this, but only at Halloween, he keeps them in his garage and then takes them out and makes a big spook house out of his back yard. i say ignore it they are just kooky...

Chatty Crone said...

I did watch the Adams Family and thought it was a great show.

Now the guillotine and the electric chair - in the show was funny - in the neighborhood no.

Can a child get hurt if they wander in their yard?

You know you and hubby could stop in the police station and just ask and tell them what is going on - not to report them - just to have a look.

Or you could just ignore. Tough question Ginny.

What does Phil say?


Cheryl @ TFD said...

How strange. A tv show is one thing, having this stuff in real life is another. I'd probably not call the police unless something looks dangerous to the children. Then, again, it might not hurt to call them just as a precaution. That way, maybe they'd patrol the area a bit more and keep an eye out, too.

George said...

You have some of the most unusual neighbors I have ever heard about. I wonder what this place is like on Halloween?

Marie said...

It seems that if there was something dangerous to it they would hide it. I don't know! I would want to know if it's part of a movie set? Are they making a movie or television show??? Strange!

Ruth Kelly said...

Better to have them in your neighborhood than mine. Even my daughter remembers the Adams family. It is one of her favorite movies.

I'll go with the scripture from Phll.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

YIPES.... that is spooky. Not sure what I'd do... IF they find out who reported them, they may come after you...

Are the children in school? Teachers should know if they are okay!

Yes--everyone remembers the Addams Family... I hope your neighbors are just a little kooky --and not doing anything bad.


Karin said...

And I was thinking, "What?" I know I've been sick this week - but it's not the end of October yet, is it? My gut is gurgling even more now that I've seen this. There ought to be a law. Would this not affect property values in the neighborhood? On the other, it's none of my business, but maybe invite them to tea one day. Have you met them yet?

Ruth Hiebert said...

I can't say what I would do,but it would be a bit uncomfortable to have that kind of neighbours.

LC said...

I guess their fav holiday is Halloween.

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 We passed by the strangest Jeep today. It was parked in a garage parking lot right at the edge of the street. Meant to be seen. There were ...