Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Through The Wires Thursday

“Then God planted a garden in Eden, in the east. He put the Man he had just made in it. God made all kinds of trees grow from the ground, trees beautiful to look at and good to eat.”
Genesis 2

Now the answer to what those bottle cap looking things were on the street. Many of you guessed manholes, and that was close. But two of you got it right! George Adams, of "Photos By Senior Hiker", and Cheryl, of "The Farmer's Daughter". These are covers to holes on gas station lots where the trucks fill the big underground gas tanks. Next time you get gas, look and see what color your station's are!


Reanaclaire said...

Such beautiful colors, Ginny! It is still winter, right? Going to be spring in a couple of months? :)

RoeH said...

Beautiful. I know people who love the wires in their photos because it give the photo perspective and comparison. I, however, try to avoid them like the plague. It's hard to do in the city and even out in places where you never think they would be. Love the red colored tree.

S. Etole said...

Great color for this January day.

Alice said...

Lovely to see the colors!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I always enjoy when you do photo series through the wires! What pretty colors :-)

Remington said...

AWESOME colors!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i think our gas things are gray but not sure... will have to check it out. but the thing is i am in shock when i buy gas and i might forget to look...i love number 2 and 6 on the photos. that purple tree in 2 is divine and the colors in the last one are woo hoo.... wires and all they are beautiful...

Hootin Anni said...

How I WILL check out the gas storage tank caps.

Your tree photos are gorgeous, have you posted them before?

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Beautiful Fall colors...makes me think Spring even though we are still "winterizing"...:)JP

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Great Autumn colors --even if there are wires. I'm just so glad that I have a wonderful program now that can take those doggone things out.


Ruth Hiebert said...

I like these colourful trees.

photowannabe said...

Pretty Fall colors and Spring blossoms.
You asked about my trees with the buds.
It seems every year around this time the buds begin and by late Feb. Early March there is an explosion of green and blossoms. I hope the rains and wind won't do the damage it did last year.

Filip and Kristel said...

Hi Ginny,

Great colour, the pictures are from a while ago I assume. Interesting topic you mailed me about today. Maybe we should skype once to talk about certain subjects.


Ann said...

Wow, such gorgeous colors in those trees.
I should have known about the covers. I've seen them a zillion times.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Creative colors here with wire

SquirrelQueen said...

With all those amazing colors the wires are not a problem. If we only took photos when there was a 100% clear view we would miss a lot of beauty.

I didn't even think about the covers at the gas station. I was thinking sidewalk, silly me! I'll look next time I get gas.

Chatty Crone said...

I L O V E those colors on the trees - Ginny you have the most colorful great photos.

George said...

I'm glad to see that other photographers have problems with wires popping up in their pictures! The trees are beautiful, though.

Marie said...

Beautiful...beautiful...beautiful!!! Ginny, you always manage to out do yourself! We don't have those colors here. Thanks so much for sharing a part of your world. :)
Happy days to you!

Together We Save said...

Those colors are so beautiful!!

Unknown said...

Love your post Ginny, you have such an awesome perspective !

momto8 said...

love the beauty from the colors!! the wire is pretty cool..I am so amateur my camera will not focus...I mean do not know how to focus it!

Annie Jeffries said...

Pretty!! In the midst of winter, it is so uplifting to see these.

LC said...

Those colors and your capture of them are awesome. Also awesome is your idea of writing down the
'good things" and happy moments on colorful little squares and stash them in a special jar for review at those blue times. Great idea. I have just the jar. Now for the paper and I will be ready to join you in year round Thanksgiving! Thanks Ginny!

Anonymous said...

Very colorful photos, Ginny.

Arti said...

So glad to be back to blogging and visit your blog. The colors are just superb, something that we dont see here in India. Have a lovely sunday Ginny :)

Anonymous said...

The trees are amazing! Ours are either green or brown only.:(

RedecΓ³rate con Lola Godoy said...

That beautiful images. Your words make me grow as a person and as an artist, someday I hope to fulfill my dreams and selling my creations. God bless you and your beautiful family. Kisses.

Neal said...

Wow...those are beautiful. Makes me long for those beautiful days.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Spectacular leaves! I really miss seeing leaves on the trees. Too cold here in TN for any leaves except on the Pines and Hemlocks. So thanks for the cherry look-bakc. Have a super great coming week!
Wildlifewatcher (Blogger and Wordpress are not playing well tonight so hence the anonymous moniker.

Rose said...

More beautiful shots...

A Strange Jeep

 We passed by the strangest Jeep today. It was parked in a garage parking lot right at the edge of the street. Meant to be seen. There were ...