Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Not So Sure...

Once it was known that the balloons would not be able to go up, there was almost a collective groan from the crowd. SO, they did two things to make the trip worthwhile. They got out the balloon baskets and told the kids and parents they could get inside for pictures, then they fired up the fire overhead. It makes a HUGE noise when the hot air fire comes out from the top! Since we were the closest, Anne Marie and her dad went in first! At first she was happy about this and had a big smile that she was chosen first!
                              Within a minute the smile was gone, and she was not so sure...
                                                 Now she was getting downright scared!
And finally there was the big whoosh of the heat and fire! YIKES, what had she gotten herself into? But she came through it just fne and with a great story to tell her friends. Funny how a few pictures can show a world of emotions. Next post I will show you the last thing they did that was so cool!

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.  ~Author Unknown

“Don’t tolerate people who try to run your life... They’re a lot of hot air, that’s all they are. They’re completely out of touch with the source of life, Christ, who puts us together in one piece, whose very breath and blood flow through us.”


SquirrelQueen said...

The range of expressions on Anne Marie's face are just priceless. Those things do make a very loud noise.
It was really nice of the balloon operator to let everyone have time in the basket.

Reanaclaire said...

Love her expressions! You are really good in capturing them.. she is so adorable!

Alice said...

Cute! I can't wait to read what's next.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Aw, cute, I love that last picture!

Karin said...

Well, that was wonderful of the company to do that for everyone! Great shots of this special never getting off the ground event, lol!!

Shug said...

Priceless expressions on Anne Marie's face. tells the true story of how most of us feel when it comes to experiencing something new and scary.
I can just picture myself being right there, with that balloon rising past the tree tops....Still on my bucket list.
have fun today..

Ruth Kelly said...

We need sunshine we also very much need the rain.

Chatty Crone said...

I think her face said it all - so cute! And I love the quote. Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain. ~Author Unknown

Have you ever been to Gatlinburg, TN - they have a huge building with a wind tunnel and you put on a wind suit and go in the tower and you fly! You should try it!

Love, sandie

Linda said...

I love the expressions on Anne Marie's face!!!

Rose said...

That will be something she will remember forever!

As for the quote about--I will add a twist:
Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never picked apples in the rain after long hours of hot, humid days.

Tamago said...

So sorry they could not have the hot air balloons go up but it is so nice they let visitors get in the baskets! I love the face expression of Anne Marie very much. The last picture is so cute!
I didn't know there is Lexington in Virginia. I thought you went to Kentucky. Haha.

Hootin Anni said...

Love the sunshine quote. And Anne Marie is such a doll. I can only imagine what was going through her mind at the time!

This photo you used today makes the best header ever!!

LC said...

The progression of emotions revealed on that little face is priceless! Wonderful job of capturing the essence of her experience.

Melanie said...

Anne Marie is just so cute! Glad she had fun. I'm looking forward to reading more. :-)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Love those expressions...she's such a cutie. Did you get to go up in the balloon?

Joanne said...

Oh My Goodness these pictures are priceless! So cute. While Dad has the same happy expression...She is experiencing the whole range of them!!!
She is such a good sport too! I think at that age I might have cried. LOL
Blessings, Joanne

George said...

This photo sequence is terrific. Anne Marie definitely has a great story to tell her friends.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Ah----so nice of them to allow the children/families to get in the baskets for photos, etc. I love the expressions on Anne Marie's face... PERFECT.


Ann said...

Love all these pictures. She has such an expressive face

Unknown said...

What a darling girl, so full of personality and what a fun time! Love that Scripture too, so very true and so easy to forget!

LV said...

She was braver than I would have been. No way would I go up in one. The last ride I was on I begged them to take me off. They would not, and I could not even stand when I did get off. So that ended my high rides.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Nice to see that the organizers did some nice events for the crowd. Glad you all enjoyed your jaunt. I have never seen a hot air balloon up close. Must have been thrilling even if the balloons could not fly. Have an outstanding Friday tomorrow!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i got your email about where was I.. i came here and wrote a long comment.. and i just looked and it is not here... i am trying to remember what i wrote.
i think i said it looks like she had as much or more fun even with not going up in the balloon, and that the pictures needed no words, perfect for wordless wed.. because the photos tell the whole story..

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