Saturday, July 27, 2013

We All Scream For Ice-Cream

  The other day, I saw these balloon ice-cream cones in front of a bank, so cool!!
                                                  Earlier in the month, the bank displayed ice-cream origami.
Well, of course all these ice-cream decorations were ALMOST enough to cause me to do my banking there! Because here is a look at my freezer.
      But in my defense, there are SOME people who like my freezer just the way it is!

“Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone.” Jim Fiebig

 I am doing this post to say good-bye to the end of National Ice-Cream Month. Ice-cream can be traced back to at least the fourth century B.C. During Nero's reign, ice was harvested from nearby mountains and held in ice houses, which were deep pits covered with straw. And in the bible, King Solomon enjoyed icy drinks. The first ice-cream parlor in America opened in New York in 1776. In fact, I just finished a bowl of vanilla with chocolate syrup as a bedtime snack. Nighty night everyone!

When you’ve stuffed yourself, you refuse dessert; when you’re starved, you could eat a horse.
Proverbs 27


SquirrelQueen said...

The balloon ice cream cones and origami are fun but I like your freezer the best. Looks like Ella is really enjoying her ice cream.

Now you have made me hungry for ice cream but my freezer is bare.

Unknown said...

They look cool ^_^ Someone is really enjoying here ice cream hehe

MadSnapper n Beau said...

those cones, the balloons and the folded paper ones are really cool. have never seen anything like them or heard of having Natl Ice cream month or day... we can't keep ice cream in the house because we both love it...way to much...

Ann said...

That bank does some clever decorating. It's only 6 a.m. but I want a bowl of ice cream. I had no idea it was national ice cream month. I should celebrate before it's over

Alice said...

I like the freezer!

Karin said...

We went though buying ice cream every week years ago when the kids were young. Nowadays it's a rare sight if there is ice-cream in my freezer - once this season - and never in the winter. The sugar gives me brain -fog! Enjoy while you can!

Ruth Kelly said...

Enjoy ice cream while you can and hopefully, it does not fall off the cone.

Donna said...

You can Never have enough ice cream in the house!Hahaa

CalamityJr said...

I'm now a fan of your freezer, also!

Reanaclaire said...

hello Ginny, I would love to have an ice cream now! :)

Linda said...

Those ice cream cones are cool, Ginny. What a fun post.

Tamago said...

Oh I love the ice cream display! The origami ice cream is really cool.
Your freezer is looking very attractive :-) My freezer was full of ice cream while back. Now I try not to buy too much because otherwise I'll be eating ice cream all day long!

Anni said...

Well I never...I would've guessed they were lights! So, they're balloons. Unique and definitely something I've never seen before.

I'd better hurry if I want to celebrate this cream. YUM.

S. Etole said...

Looks like summer happiness.

Anonymous said...

the origami ice cream cones are so clever, what a beautiful little girl, I can see she enjoys your stash of ice cream!

Ramakant Pradhan said...

The bank does has an innovative advertising policy. Who doesn't love ice-creams :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Ginny Yes I could do with an ice cream now, well I mean really anytime! I am sure you would agree.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Ice-cream is a very good thing. I like the way your freezer looks.One can just never have too much ice-cream available.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Well---the end of Ice Cream Month does not mean that I will quit eating ice cream. Both George and I enjoy a small bowl on occasion at nights.... Blue Bell is our favorite --and we have to track down their specials!!!!!


Small Kucing said...

i need some ice cream now as a pick me up

Marie said...

I had ice cream tonight! Yesterday I had a large Mocha coolatta from Dunkin Donuts...yummy! If you haven't had one, you should. :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

LOL, I love your freezer! That ice cream origami is so cute.

Chatty Crone said...

Very interesting Ginny. I am a amazed at what all you find. Love ice cream too - but it doesn't love me - your freezer looks wonderful. And you are right no matter how old when the ice cream falls to the floor we are all disappointed.


George said...

Is there an ice cream store in the same building with the bank? Someone working at the bank must like ice cream as much as Ella does.

Dee said...

I like the origami ice cream display. And the happy ice cream face of your grand daughter is adorable

Unknown said...

Your freezer looks like the delight of every child! Big and little! And the proof is in the picture, the delight on her face is precious!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I had a dish of ice cream tonight, too! Love your photos!

Thanks for your comment about my new camera! It is a Nikon Coolpix S6500. I really like it so far! The best part is being able to slip it into my pocket or purse!

Rose said...

Oh, my, I do love ice cream! I think I should have some now that you mention it!

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