Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Flip Flop Inn

                                                          Welcome to the Flip Flop Inn!!
      Please come in, and be sure to stay on the flip flop stepping stones! Mind your step, I wouldn't want to see you FLOP!
                                          Come right this way in our yard and see our tree of tiny flip flops!
                                        Now come and have a look at the real flip flops hanging on our trees.
                                         And don't forget to read our sign upon leaving! Hope you had fun!

                                 "God is my strength, God is my song, and, yes! God is my salvation."  Exodus 15

Well, the truth is that the flip flop inn is really a little house we pass on the way to church. They like to decorate their yard, they have a sense of humor, and they are Christians. Do YOU wear flip flops? On my next post I will tell you a fact abut flip flops that blew me away, and it was something that Ella told me! 

Thank you so much for asking about my doctor visits and your prayers!! Turns out I have inflammation in my chest wall, costochondritis. Nothing very serious.


SquirrelQueen said...

That tree of itty bitty flip flops is so cute. I really like the pair in your header photo. I wear flip flop type sandals all summer, love them.

Reanaclaire said...

So cute those mini flip flops... I bet the owner did them herself/himself.. very creative!

CalamityJr said...

Scary looking word, your diagnosis. So glad to hear it's not serious!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Ginny Glad to hear your ailment is not serious. that must be a relief for you. I like you header and the trees are very cute. Margaret

From the Kitchen said...

You can find the most extraordinary things if your surroundings. I bet you are a hoot to ride around town with!! I'm glad you got good medical news and hope you'll be feeling all better soon.


RoeH said...

Interesting. I love the tree. I am a flipflop wearer. It's way too hot here for tennis shoes.

Hootin Anni said...

I'm sure the Doc put you on antibiotics...get well soon.

I'm not a flip flopper!! At least the rubber kind. I have leather ones of different styles and decorations...do they count?

Pearl said...

1. As a resident of Minneapolis, I actually have -- shocking! -- little use for flip flops. Now mukluks -- that's another story!

2. Costachondritis?! You are the only person -- other than myself! -- that I've heard has had this condition. Had it in my 20s, the result of chronic bronchitis/continual coughing. I found it to be very painful! Hope you get better -- listen to your doctor!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love itty bitty shoes, any kind of shoes and these flip flops are adorable... i thought you had built a flip flop inn at your house..
i have worn flip flops my whole life but mostly go barefoot, but slide or flip flops year round for me.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm glad you have nothing serious! I've had costochondritis before myself and it's painful and scary until you know what it is.

I don't wear those kind of flip flops, but the leather ones all summer. I can't wait to see what Ella has to say about them!

Tamago said...

Wow this is such a cute decoration! I love the flip flop tree, how creative! I myself don't usually wear flip flops...they make my feet between fingers hurt a little. But I think they are cute :-) I'm glad your condition is nothing serious!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Glad you are okay.

I LOVE flip flops! I wear them almost year round (except December - February).

Linda said...

What a neat post! I am glad that you are O.K., dear Ginny.

George said...

These are cute decoration. The Flip-Flop Inn sounds like a fun place to visit.

Ann said...

Well those are very cute. Yes I do wear flip flops whenever I can. Of course around here no flip flops in the winter

Chatty Crone said...

I know what that is and I know it is painful.
I also wear flip flops. How cute that someone decorated their yard that way.
What did Emma say?


Ruth Hiebert said...

The Flip Flop Inn is sure to garner attention.It is so cute.

Dee said...

I am glad you have nothing serious and that you will soon be on the mend. I just love homes of people with humor, such as your Flip Flop Inn neighbors. Yhey make a day much brighter for people. :) I do not wear Flip flops....bum foot. :-/

Rose said...

Love that flip flop tree!

Anonymous said...

LOL No no bus conversation on my blog lol

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute..... That family really is creative, aren't they? I cannot wear flip flops ---or any kind of sandals between the toes like that.. My feet are not in good shape --so I just stick with tennis shoes...


From the Kitchen said...

Ginny: I answered your questions over on my blog as I thought it might be helpful to others as well.


Anonymous said...

rofl I have so done it also LOL

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