Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Answer!

And now, the answer to the price of this paper mache Statue Of Liberty!! $650.00. Dee is my winner for coming the closest to the real price. Thanks for playing along and guessing! Hope you are having a safe and happy Fourth!


Alice said...

Wow, that seems expensive. I hope it goes to a good home:)

Filip and Kristel said...

Congratulation with the brithday of your nation. Liberty!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

call down there and tell them if someone pays 650 for it, to call you because i want a photo to see what a nut looks like... yowsa...

From the Kitchen said...

Does this mean Dee won "her"? Believe it or not, about a half mile from me, there is a big green Statue of Liberty in someones yard!! It has been there for as long as I can remember.


S. Etole said...

Hope you are enjoying a wonderful Independence Day, Ginny.

RoeH said...

One guy in my neighborhood a couple of blocks up, had a huge, HUGE . . .green Statue of Liberty in his front yard. It was the bain of every neighbor around. Honestly - it was so ugly. I'm all for being patriotic, but that was over the line of decency. He fought the neighbors and wouldn't take it down. The sad thing to this story is that a year or so ago his house burned down and he was killed. The statue survived. Except that somebody a few months afterwards came in one night and stole it from his yard. Nobody ever owned up to it and no one has any idea to this day of what happened to it.

LV said...

That is what you call a high dollar lady.

Linda said...

Happy July 4th to you, dear Ginny!

Tamago said...

Oh wow, it was much more expensive than I guessed!
Have a safe and fun holiday. Happy 4th of July!!

Chatty Crone said...

Dang I was going to guess $650 myself. Hope you are having a Happy 4th. Love, sandie

Ann said...

Now I wonder if anyone will ever buy it.

Bobbie said...

Oh my goodness... I missed that one. But I wouldn't have even come close. Congratulations to the winner. Once again... this is unique. Thanks for sharing, Ginny.

Annie Jeffries said...

Hah. I missed out on the challenged but believe me, I wouldn't have been anywhere near right.

SquirrelQueen said...

Wow, Liberty isn't cheap. I'm guessing they really don't want to sell the statues since it has been there so long.

Hope you all had a great Fourth.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow--that is expensive for sure... Don't think I would ever want to pay that much for that! But--it is pretty.

Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July... God Bless America.

We had rain all day --but we still enjoyed our BBQ and watermelon!!!!!


Reanaclaire said...

oh too bad I miss that post.. I wouldnt mind guessing as well! :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It must've taken ages to create that statue, so perhaps the asking price is fair. Now me, if I had $650 I'd buy a generator ;-)

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my goodness...and it's made of paper?!! Must be linen paper. LOL

I'd much rather take the paper $650 myself.

Hope your holiday was a happy one Ginny.

Hootin Anni said... Sandra's comment.

Donna said...

Hope you had a great 4th!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, How fun! We had an excellent 4th here - even stayed dry during fireworks show. Have a super good weekend!

LC said...

Hope your 4th was happy and healthy. Your Lady Liberty certainly brightened mine.

Shug said...

Oh dear me....$650.00 ??
Love your header photo!!


George said...

$650 seems like a low price to pay for freedom, but I think I'll pass anyway.

DawnTreader said...

Of course liberty is priceless but for a copy of the statue not even waterproof it seems a bit much!

Dee said...

It feels good to be a winner...seldom happens for me . LOL

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