Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Mystery Objects

What are these objects, do you know?
They're stunning and colorful, this is so.
When I first saw them they blew my mind.
There are so many, each a different kind.
So take a guess, what are they?
On my next post I will say.

P.S. Which one do YOU want?


Mina fotostunder said...


SquirrelQueen said...

I want the purple and black in your last photo Ginny. Those are so pretty. Are they light fixtures?

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Very pretty. I think they are lamp shades but all too colourful for my house!

Ann said...

I guess some kind of light. They are amazing looking. I'm fascinated by them. I like the orange and yellow one

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I am gonna guess that they are actually made out of paper?

From the Kitchen said...

I'd like the aqua, green and white one. I think they are hanging lights but can't figure out what they are made from.


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

They look like some sort of hanging décor.

By the way - if we are in town for the fourth, we'd love to meet up at the balloon festival. That sounds fun!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

They look like some sort of hanging décor.

By the way - if we are in town for the fourth, we'd love to meet up at the balloon festival. That sounds fun!

Linda said...

They are certainly pretty, but no clue what they are.

Linda said...

They are certainly pretty, but no clue what they are.

Ruth Kelly said...

I would guess that they are lamps in very colorful art pieces.

Tamago said...

Wow, they look really mysterious! At first I didn't think it was a real photo - maybe cartoon added to the photo or something like that. I have no idea what they are but they sure look beautiful.
I like the black/white/purple/blue one in the last photo best!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Looks like they are some sort of lampshade.I want the first one.

Patsy said...

I like them ,so many colors.

DawnTreader said...

Lamps? I like them. But to use in my own home I'd have to go for the all white one.

Rose said...

I can't wait to see what they are as I have no clue now!

George said...

I'm guessing that these are some type of light or electric lantern fixture. They are all beautiful, whatever they are.

LV said...

They are lights that can be hung on a hook or ceiling, made from paper. My great grandson has two.

Roan said...

They are very colorful. I would pick teh black and gold. Not sure what they are.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...