Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Not Clowning Around!

Can you guess where we were last night? We went to a clown performance in the park. Hey, what else is there to do in a small town on a Monday evening?

          This clown had kids spinning plates in the air, and made them laugh with jokes.

What he was NOT very good at was balance and eye/hand coordination. He dropped things in his juggling act several times. Now I'm not naming any names (Just Joey), but this clown ran into me with his unicycle! On a Monday night. In a small town. Hit by an out of control unicycle. I of course did not get a picture of said unicycle because I was trying to compose myself. All I snapped was the tiny tricycle. And this guy is a graduate of the Barnum & Bailey clown college! I want to see his diploma!
As we walked away, I was glad I was not truly hurt, and thought what a dandy blog post it would make! After all, how many people can say they have been run over by a clown in a unicycle?

“Saul confessed, “I’ve sinned! Oh, come back, my dear son David! I won’t hurt you anymore. You’ve honored me this day, treating my life as most precious. And I've acted the fool—a moral dunce, a real clown.”

Samuel 26


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Ginny I, for one cannot say I have been run over by a clown in a unicycle!! What a fun event, I am sure the children loved him

Ann said...

Well that sounds like fun except for the getting run over part. But like you said, makes good blog material.
I think he's the first clown I've ever seen with no face paint at all or even a wig for that matter

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Bet the kids loved him!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

People call me a clown all the time so I loved this lol. Seriously though, looks like a good time was had by all, unicycle incident notwithstanding!

Tamago said...

Hahaha, I love your humor as always...maybe you are the only one who has been run over by a clown :-) Glad you weren't injured.
Sounds like the clown needs bit more training, but he sure made a memorable night!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i was just preparing to say i like this kind of clown without all that ugly scary makeup on the face.. but an out of control unicycle is a scary thing.. glad you were not hurt. the kids look like they were having a blast... and it is perfect blog fodder.

From the Kitchen said...

Only you, Ginny! I, nor anyone I know, have/has ever being run over by a clown on a unicycle in a small town on a Monday night. I'm submitting this to Ripley's!! Glad you weren't hurt. Your insurance co. might have questioned the incident!! =)


Hootin Anni said...

...as Ann mentioned...no makeup or clown hair, which I'm sure made the kids like him. So many that are made up can be scary to some little ones.

LV said...

He needs to practice his act. You could have been seriously hurt. A fun thing but a little out of control. Glad you are okay.

Ruth Kelly said...

Looks like fun for all especially the kids.

LC said...

Definitely a bit of unexpected excitement. I am so thankful you were not hurt. And, yes, it was a super interesting post!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Even in a small town,you manage to find excitement.

Roan said...

Looks like a fun time! We must live in a smaller town than yours. No clowns show up here. lol

SquirrelQueen said...

Nope, neither I nor anyone I know (until now) has been run over by a clown on a unicycle. I'm glad you are okay. It sounds like this clown needs to go back to college for a refresher course.

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny you have the most fun in your home town and this must mean you are feeling better too.

Bobbie said...

I'm so glad you didn't get hurt, Ginny!! And yes, this sure did make an interesting blog post. Only you!!!! LOL! Looked like lots of fun.
Oh, to answer you question... it was Monday-Tuesday of this week that we were at Hershey. Just a quick business trip.
Take care now, and stay away from those clowns.

Shug said...

You certainly have a unique story here.....I too am glad that you were not hurt! I'm guessing he had the jitters and this is what might have caused his clumsiness. Hopefully he will get rid of em'

Small Kucing said...

Some kids are afraid of clowns.. but most would love clowns. My son too love them .

Cheryl @ TFD said...

The clown should have been given a ticket for reckless and imprudent driving! lol! I'm glad you weren't hurt!


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...