Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Pretty In Pink 2014

We had a beautiful bunch of cherry trees this year, abundant with blooms! The bible refers to the trees clapping their hands, and I think this is the time they clap! They only lasted about two weeks, but what a statement they made in that time.

“For you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace; The mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you, And all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”


Linda said...

Beautiful, Ginny!!!

Tamago said...

So beautiful! I LOVE cherry blossoms. They have bloom for such a short time and I think it makes them more special. The first image is stunning!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Gorgeous! The first pic looked like it was moving water, so neat
I agree they are clapping their hands!

Ruth Hiebert said...

These trees are certainly lifting their blossom filled boughs to God in praise.

LC said...

An amazing springtime display! Thanks for capturing it and sharing. That verse is definitely one that applies!

SquirrelQueen said...

All of those pinks are awesome. I love the reflection effect you added to your first photo.

Marie said...

Your pink is so pretty! It's good to see you again! How are you??

Ann said...

wow, they're so pretty. It's a shame they don't last longer

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pink color flowers. Love the first picture. It's reflection in water looks beautiful!

Roan said...

Beautiful trees! I had always wanted to go to Washington DC and see the cherry trees in the spring and finally got to. They create a magical kingdom with their carpet of petals.

From the Kitchen said...

Beautiful!! The fact that they are only around for a short time makes them even more special.


pembrokeshire lass said...

They are so beautiful, Ginny. I just love the blossom....it's such a special time of year! Thank you for coming to visit me at my special place. Yes it is tranquil and somehow, we feel closer to God and more able to pray! I do appreciate your encouragement and prayers over these last months. Blessings. Joan

Hootin Anni said...

...what a statement indeed!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are gorgeous in pink and make me want to clap my hands with them.. so beautiful. love the special water edit pic...that really makes a sttement

Ruth Kelly said...

They are just beautiful! I always wanted a blossoming tree but have never planted one.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

We love flowering cherry trees...one grows wild in our woods....:)JP

crafty cat corner said...

Aren't they pretty, we usually get high winds when all the blossom appears and blows it all off.
I love your animated picture.

George said...

Even if these trees aren't clapping, I certainly am. The trees are beautiful and definitely pretty in pink.

Rose said...

Oh, Ginny, I so love these. I love pink flowering trees!

Patsy said...

They are lovely!
That app is called PicPlayPost.

Shug said...

Beauty Everywhere! I've never seen one of these trees in bloom, but all of the pictures are absolutely gorgeous...


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...