Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Web

I am feeling much better now. The vertigo only lasted a day, and I rested the next day. Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments! This is a spider web that was on our back porch last week. Fortunately, the sun was shining on it, and I loved the way it looked. WITHOUT the spider! Later, after it was dark, we drove into the driveway and there it was, huge and weaving! This kind comes out at night, I don't know where they go in the day. Since I would have had to walk right under it to go inside, I sat in the car while Phil killed it for me. To my spider loving followers, I have arachnophobia and would never have come inside if it stayed there, just inches from the back door! And it was enormous! But it created a beautiful work of art.

                                   To give it a different look, I made this picture from it!
“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.”

Chief Seattle, 1855

“The spider webs are no good for shirts or shawls. No one can wear these weavings!”


Ann said...

That is a big spider web. I've never had much luck taking pictures of them. Yours came out really good. Love the kaleidoscope you made with it too

jp@A Green Ridge said...

That is one huge web!!! Like Ann, never have good luck take pix of them. Great job and glad you are better, Ginny!...:)JP

RoeH said...

Isn't nature interesting? A little bug can weave such a beautiful piece of art.

Tamago said...

I'm so glad the vertigo is gone quickly and you are feeling better!
The spider web is beautiful. Spiders are really good artist, I think :-)

Have a great new week xoxo

Roan said...

That is one cool web!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yep, me to sister mine... the only good spider is a dead spider and i do know they keep the bugs down... that is an awesome shot of the is really hard to get spider web shots, the light has to be perfect and you found it at the right time. so glad your vertigo is better.

Hootin Anni said... me, I would have killed it also. They creep me out.

Shug said...

It is very rare to see a web of this size around here. Very interesting and neat. This spider did a lot of work!! glad you are feeling better!!
Enjoy a happy day.

LC said...

So sorry you have been experiencing diverticulitis, vertigo and all the miserable side effects. The web photo is fabulous. I confess i am envious!

Glad you are feeling a bit better. Prayers continue.

Patsy said...

So glad you are feeling better.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh I am sorry to hear about the vertigo! I have had several attacks over the years, and it is a most miserable feeling.

Ick - I don't like spiders either!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Glad you're feeling better. The web shots are cool.

Small Kucing said...

glad you are better now Ginny. Lovely pic

Unknown said...

So sorry you weren't feeling well Ginny. I'm glad you're feeling better. The spider web is amazing. Only God could create and amazing work of art from a tiny spider.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Ginny With being away for a few days (again) I didn't know you had vertigo but i am pleased to hear you are much better now. Now this spider's web is amazing and I love the way you have edited some of the shots.

Melanie said...

So glad you're feeling better! I hate spiders! My husband is an awesome spider killer too! :-)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm so behind on blog reading! I'm happy to hear that the vertigo didn't last long.

I don't like spiders, either. Those big webs are often stretched across a space and you can't see it and when I walk though one, it freaks me out!

Take care, Ginny, and have a nice day!

S. Etole said...

No spiders for me either! You got some great pictures though.

Reanaclaire said...

Oh Ginny, you have vertigo? Last time I had it too... I couldn't even get up from the bed cos the room ceiling is like spinning... it is caused by imbalance of ear fluids...
By the way, the webs reminded me of the movie Spiderman... hahahaa.. very nice shots, Ginny!
Hope you are feeling better now..
God Bless!

Jeanne said...

What neat spider web pictures. I have two daughters who are so scared of spiders. They both live far away but have often called me in a panic to talk them through their spider situation.
Glad your vertigo was short lived!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

This was supposed to be for the clown post - not sure why the wrong comment box popped up. Anyhow - I can see now why people develop clown phobias - it's probably all due to the rampaging unicycle clown!!

SquirrelQueen said...

What a gorgeous web! That is a very hard working spider. The spiders around here make the sloppiest webs I have ever seen, either they are lazy or have no talent. LOL! Great shots!


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...