Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wally Wags His Tail

                         Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails. Max Eastman

Say hi to Wally, the bucket headed dog. He is made of many household parts, and even has a license plate on his back. His sign says "Wally Wags His Tail", but he would not wag his tail for me, and maybe not for anyone. i think it has been a long time since old Wally has had any care or attention. You can buy him and fix him up for a cool $100.55. I decided to pass. I snapped him with Phil so you could get an idea of his size. I guess old rustbucket dogs never die, they just live in antique malls.

“God will make you the head, not the tail; you’ll always be the top dog, never the bottom dog, as you obediently listen to and diligently keep the commands of God, your God, that I am commanding you today.”

Deuteronomy 28


Ann said...

Well isn't he a clever old dog. I wouldn't pay that much money for him but he is clever. Love that tail even if it isn't wagging

Hootin Anni said...

Kinda expensive!! All price and no sale. [like all bark and no bite?]


From the Kitchen said...

I bet they'd let him go for just $100.00!!


Linda said...

Quite something, Ginny! At that price I would have passed as well. :)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Now THAT'S the most unique dog I've ever seen :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hardy har har har, old rustbucket dogs don't die. love it... thanks for the smiles... i have the 55 cents if someone comes up with the rest of the cash we can put this out with the rusty propane tank.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow---a dog that doesn't bark or eat --or cost me a dime (once I buy him)... ha ha.. Someone certainly is creative.

Tamago said...

He sure is an unique dog!
Love his cute curly tail :-)

Patsy said...

Serious art? Bucket dog.

Rose said...

They must want to keep him at that price! He is cute, though.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm thinking he might be a bargain because you wouldn't have to buy dog food or pay for vaccinations. lol! He is a bit long in the tooth (so to speak) tho.

Unknown said...

Sometimes I wish people had tails. It would be a lot easier to know how they're feeling. Love this fun piece of artwork. You find the best stuff!

Lady Jane said...

That is quite the ole dog... I love his tail and his bucket head but I think he is a bit out of my price range even if he would look cute out in my garden. Oh well....

FilipBlog said...

That's a strange dog, I prefer the real thing. Ginny, I am surprised you liked my storybof the Lima skulls. Local Culture is always surprising.


LC said...

I guess Wally is one old dog that will never kick the bucket!

Roan said...

Wally has a cute nose. He's a might pricey for my pocket book, but cute. Re the farm. I sold it because I was a single lady living in Dallas, about 12 hours away by car, and it was difficult taking care of business long distance. When I moved back, I bought a cute little house in town. Better for me, but miss the freedom to roam through the woods.

LV said...

What a strange and interesting find. Do not recall seeing one of those.

SquirrelQueen said...

Wally is definitely a unique dog. It looks like someone came up with a use for the rusty pile of stuff from the back room. At that price it could be awhile before Wally finds a home.

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