Monday, June 30, 2014

Painting On Horses

Yes, that's right. Not painting pictures OF horses, but actually painting ON horses! Today as we rounded a bend, out of the corner of my eye I saw something strange on the Chick-Fil-A grounds. Here is my first glimpse.

We drove over and talked to the people. Seems it was children's day at Chick-Fil-A and to celebrate it, they had brought in two horses and paints with brushes. The kids were to paint on the horses, write on the horses, anything they wanted. I was totally flabbergasted! I watched little children writing all over the horses. The horses were very gentle and I am assuming the paints were food grade and would wash off later. Anymore, I just never know what I am going to see around here!

And as to why they had red reindeer antlers on the white horse? In the middle of the summer. Well, your guess is as good as mine.

“Solomon had forty thousand stalls for chariot horses and twelve thousand horsemen.”

1 Kings 4


Wise Hearted said...

I love this...what a neat way to celebrate children day. Someone at Chic understand the heart of a child. Love it..

photowannabe said...

Well this is a new one for me too.
Its a fun and unusual idea.
You asked if there was a prize for the Dirty Dash.
I think the prizes were medals. It really was just a fun community thing. It took place in Oregon.

Rose said...

that is just simply too strange! I have never seen or heard of anything like this....

Linda said...

How cool is THAT??? It's a good thing you have a quick eye or we would ALL have missed seeing this!
LOVE Chick Fil A!!!

SquirrelQueen said...

Ginny, I am always amazed at the things you find in your area. This is one I have not seen before. Those horses were so sweet and gentle to allow the children to paint on them. What a fun event.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Hmmmm, I am not sure how I feel about this. Seems kinda mean!

Tamago said...

Wow, these horses are very patient and gentle!

Hootin Anni said...

Hope the horses don't lick any of the paint!! Something very odd about this for me.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are so right we never know what you will find in your town. this is one thing i have never seen or even seen on a blog or TV or a movie. totally new . beautiful horse, and i know the kids loved it

From the Kitchen said...

Only in the Old Dominion!!


Ruth Kelly said...

That is a new one on me although I did see a green horse in the St. Patrick's Day Parade once.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Wow! That is an eye opener!...:)JP

Ruth Hiebert said...

Now that is about the strangest thing I have ever seen.Glad you were ready to get pictures of it.

Ann said...

You do manage to find the most interesting things in your area. That must have been a whole lot of fun for the kids

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You find the most unusual things in your neighborhood! I've never seen this done before. I'll bet the kids had fun.

DeniseinVA said...

That's different! Never seen anything like this done before. They must have been sweet and gentle and ever so patient horses to let the children do that.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

How neat. Those horses are patient.

Dee said...

WoW...what a great glad you had your camera...I love coming across stuff like fun :)

Reanaclaire said...

The horse must be thinking why her skin suddenly turned colorful!! hahaha...

LC said...

I would have worried about the horses accidently stepping on a little foot. But I bet the kids were thrilled.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...