Friday, April 7, 2017

A Walk Around The Neighborhood

Around town, there does not seem to be as many Easter decorations as in years past. I saw this adorable bunny on someone's porch.

The big silver cat is dressed in his Easter finery.

As for trees and bushes, I only saw a couple that were decorated.

I liked this pink wreath made of feathers.

And what would Easter be without the cross, Easter lily, and crown of thorns?

“Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in spring-time.”  ~Martin Luther


Linda said...

I used the Resurrection Eggs to tell the Quads the Easter story and they were very concerned that Jesus had been killed but were relieved he came alive again. Harrison told me on Thursday morning that his teacher at school had told them the very same story. Sometimes it just doesn't feel right to me to decorate with all the cute bunnies and eggs and such when the true meaning of Easter is truly dramatic.
Next year I want to get a wooden cross and the swath of purple fabric and a crown of remember the true meaning of Easter.
And you are right, I haven't noticed nearly as many decorating as in the past....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have zero decorations down here, and when I lived in Savannah no one decorated for Easter. but that was 33 years ago. I mean outside decorations, inside I am sure they do.. the cross is beautiful. love the cat and the bunny is cute for year round... never seen one like it. mother always did the table at Easter..

Ann said...

I haven't seen many Easter decorations around here either. You've spotted some good ones though.

Lady Jane said...

Love all the decorations. Thanks for sharing. You and Phil and your wonderful family have the happiest of Easters Ginny. Hugs, LJ

DeniseinVA said...

These are lovely decorations. I don't think we have too many in our neighborhood, but I haven't had a chance to walk it lately. I do remember seeing a tree with Easter eggs hung from it with pretty ribbons in all different colors. Wishing you a great weekend Ginnie :)

Rose said...

You know, I don't recall seeing any decorations here...and there is usually at least an egg tree or two.

How big is that cat? I love it....for all time.

Ruth Hiebert said...

As fun as the decorations are, it's good to see that some people celebrate the real reason of Easter. The cross and the resurrection. I don't see much on the line of decorating around my town.

Nancy Chan said...

You live in a very interesting place. You always find interesting decorations in your neighbourhood to share with us. We don't have any decorations here.

Marie said...

I really like the green bunny. I love your background of the bamboo! all the green is gorgeous!
hope you're enjoying your weekend.

Bobbie said...

Love all the decorations. That is one cool cat!!

Reanaclaire said...

For the first time, I will be here in Sacramento for Easter, resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Hootin Anni said...

Your town is just filled with charm....everywhere!!

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