Monday, April 17, 2017

Some Bunny Loves Easter!

Here are the pictures we took on Easter Sunday! Our little bunnies were so excited!

Even a fully grown adult bunny was hopping around.

The back of Anne Marie's dress.

The press on nails we had put in her Easter basket!

Now, time to go out for the Easter Egg Hunt and pictures! They ran too fast for me to keep up!

We made big eggs into bunnies, did jigsaw puzzles..

And just generally goofed off.

“They send their children out to play and watch them frolic like spring lambs.”
Job 21 


Ruth Hiebert said...

It makes me smile to see all the fun you are having with those precious girls.Grandchildren bring a special joy into life.

photowannabe said...

Great family photos. The Love shows.
Ginny, thank you so much for your kind words on my blog.
It was a pleasure serving and being the Lord's hands and feet.

Linda said...

I loved every pic! What a beautiful family!! Love glows in the eys and smiles of all!!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

What a marvelous time for all of you.

Reanaclaire said...

Your grandkids really are God's sent angels to brighten up lives!!

crafty cat corner said...

Wonderful joyful pictures Ginny, they look like such lovely children.

Nancy Chan said...

The grand kids were enjoying and have great Easter fun. Even the adults join in and have fun too! Wonderful family photos!

Hootin Anni said...

However do you find the 'so perfect' passage for each post, I'll never know. But I don't think I've ever said do such a good job with that.

And.........LOVE all the photos....everything Easter. And family.

From the Kitchen said...

Beautiful little girls--what joy!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the glasses are to cute, have not seen any like them, love the back of Ann Maries dress and all the bunny fun you were having...

DeniseinVA said...

Adorable photos Ginny. Sweet children, lovely to see you and hubby also. Looks like you had a great time. Pretty dresses the children have and the bunny face, love it too. Have a great week. We are settled in one spot for a few days. I will be writing about it as I get through each place :)

George said...

You obviously had a wonderful Easter with all of the beautiful bunnies!

Marie said...

such cute pics! looks like so much fun for everyone!

Tamago said...

Such great pictures! Looks like everyone had tons of fun time!
"Even a fully grown adult bunny was hopping around" :-) :-) :-)

Ann Thompson said...

Looks like a perfect day. Those glasses are so cute. I cant get over how gtown up Anne Marie looks.

Bobbie said...

Those girls are so precious!! Thanks for sharing... looks like you all had a great day!

Rose said...

Looks like you had a great time...grandchildren are such joy.

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