Monday, April 24, 2017

Tripped Up

Though it was fun spending the weekend with Dara, my foot really hurt with each step. In fact, I was limping badly. Several days before, I had tripped and twisted it going into church (not the sweet one in my header). At first it was O.K. but as time went on, it got worse and worse. So today I went to the foot doctor. Sprained ligament. I am taped and booted. It will be hard to not do any cooking, cleaning, or laundry! But I intend to have willpower. Bwa ha ha ha!!

“Soul, you’ve been rescued from death; Eye, you’ve been rescued from tears; And you, Foot, were kept from stumbling.”

Psalm 116


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Oh Dear Ginny that does nou wil need to rest it. Take care

Nancy Chan said...

Hi Ginny, so sorry to hear about your foot! Time to take some rest for the foot to recover. Take care!

Unknown said...

So sorry, Ginny, that definitely slows you down. Praying right now that it heals quickly!

From the Kitchen said...

Once it heals (which I hope is fast), you should stay off of it at least another month as far as household chores go!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh no... so sorry... he he he on trying really hard to not do all that work... enjoy your rest and play play play on computer with foot up. you have a legitimate excuse .... thus says MS ... Bonnie said it all, at least a month.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh my, that sounds so painful. Sorry you had this happen Ginny an I hope you heal quickly. A good time to rest, relax and read a few books :-). Love that pretty header photo. Such a beautiful church.

Hootin Anni said...

My goodness!! Keep the weight off of your sprain if you can....and time will heal.

Ya....don't do anything around the house either!!!

Chatty Crone said...

Phil will be glad to help you! I'm sure.

Tamago said...

Oh no, I'm sorry for your injury. I know it's hard not to do housework :-) but please take a good rest. I hope it heals quickly!

P.S. Thank you for your comment! I do admin assistant and accounting work. (I do not like accounting--I'm not good with numbers!)

Ruth Hiebert said...

You make sure you rest that foot. You want to use it a lot longer, so a short time of rest now is not that bad. I was off my foot for nearly 8 weeks a few years ago and all because of a sprain.

Marie said...

I sure hope you heal quickly. so glad you went to the doctor.
the pretty little church in your header resembles the church I attended years ago.


Shug said...

I do hope you will be able to rest and stay off of your feet until this heals. Love your header picture! Absolutely gorgeous...

Ann Thompson said...

Hope it's feeling better soon but I would tr and milk a few extra days of no cooking or cleaning lol

George said...

I'm sorry to hear about your foot, but remain strong about not cooking, cleaning and laundry. Get well soon!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Shoot! Well I'm sorry you're laid up. I hope it heals quickly. Wish I could come help you out with chores!

Rose said...

I am so sorry this happened...hope you feel better soon.

LC said...

Hope you are recuperating speedily.

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